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William Faulkner’s Dark But Intense Comedy: As I Lay Dying (Essay Sample)


William Faulkner's 'As I Lay Dying' is a dark comedy detailing the difficult journey taken by addie's huge family to fulfil her dying wish which was to bury her in a place called Jefferson.

As I Lay Dying
‘As I Lay Dying’ is William Faulkner’s dark but intense comedy that chronicles the long drawn arduous journey of a large family to fulfill the wishes of the family’s matriarch called Addie whose request was to be buried in Jefferson in her family’s burial ground. Addie who had been seriously sick suddenly passes away to the dismay of her family. Going against the advice from neighbors and friends, the family decides to fulfill Addie’s wishes and embarked on a life threatening long journey against a devastating storm.
Anse Bundren, Addie’s husband, other friends and acquaintances and the other members of the family each look at the proceedings from different perspectives and each of them present the facts from their own perspective. Soon after the local doctor Peabody arrives, Addie breathes her last. The family puts her in a coffin and after three days sets out on the long journey in the pouring rain and storm.
While crossing a bridge, the carriage with the coffin gets washed away and they lose their mules in the disaster. (Faulkner William, As I Lay Dying) Anse sells his son Jewel’s horse and buys two mules to continue their journey. Since the journey was a very long one...
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