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Barriers to Criminal Investigation Investment in Polarized Nations (Essay Sample)


Assignment Type:
Essay (any type)
7 pages / 1925 words (Double spacing)
Education Level:
English (US)
Assignment Topic:
Research Paper; Final Assignment
5 sources required
Citation Style:
APA 6th edition
You will create a paper that focuses on criminal investigation. This assignment is a culmination
of the work completed in this class, your chosen field, your current employment, and will
ultimately aid in the academic acuity of your academic journey.
Your paper will contain 7 full pages of content and it must be written in current APA format with
a title page, abstract, and reference page (not included in the page count). A minimum of 5 (no
older than five years) scholarly sources are required.
Your final research paper will have a title page with page numbers, an abstract and proper APA
subheading in place throughout your essay. You will have a complete and comprehensive
reference list at the end of your paper (starting on a separate page).
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


This research addresses the complexities of criminal investigations in split countries, as well as the obstacles that affect criminal cases in polarized nations. As an applied science, the criminal investigation evaluates evidence to help guide criminal proceedings. A criminal investigation may include many activities, including searches, interviews, confrontations, evidence collection and preservation, and many more sorts of inquiry. The growing polarization of governmental branches and populations in particular nations affects criminal investigations and investment methods. This includes federal and state justices, federal and state activities, perceptions, and the relative significance of federal and state justices. Because of income disparity, real estate market volatility, and economic displacement, social groupings are increasingly segregated, known as "social polarization." [definition] Criminal investment tactics in countries with polarized populations are influenced by certain hurdles to identifying the causes of rising criminal activity.
Barriers to Criminal Investigation Investment in Polarized Nations
In recent years, a rise in the number of homicides in polarized societies has been attributed to several factors, including the establishment of social classes, the existence of language barriers, the concealment of crime suspects, and the fact that stymying the investigation process, either knowingly or unknowingly, puts criminal investigations at risk. When individuals are divided along ideological, linguistic, racial, cultural, or religious lines, they are far more likely to engage in political violence and conflict. Criminalization deprives those who commit acts of violence of the political legitimacy they require by establishing acceptable symbols and regimes for regular criminals. ' Normalization is an approach that seeks to manage political violence without restricting political development while at the same time accepting inevitable disagreements and violence as being commonplace. This is done to reduce conflict in prisons and engage politically motivated inmates. Due to a wide variety of limitations, residents in deeply divided or polarized cultures have difficulty investing in criminal investigations. This study investigates a general lack of investment in criminal research in polarized cultures. This is one of the issues that the study investigates.
Literature Review
Criminal investigations are practically meaningless and unrewarding if the present society and responses do not support law enforcement agents in exposing criminal suspects and the occurrence of the crime itself. A society's slow speed of criminal proceedings has been linked to various elements, including social position, language difficulties, and the general unpredictability of society as a whole. Even while criminal activity may be detected in any culture, it is more widespread among the world's most broken civilizations. The crime rate in rural areas has progressively increased over the past few years (2016). According to the International Crime Victims Survey findings, developing countries with more fragmented cultures have higher crime rates and lengthier investigative timeframes (Vaishnav, M., 2017). Even though low income and unemployment are associated with increased crime rates, suspects and their families have been shielding them from justice, which has slowed down investigations. In the same way that there have been reports of criminal activity in highly populated areas, there have also been reports of criminal activity in rural regions. Things formerly kept apart in cities have since become woven into their fabric.
Crime and violent acts are topics that are regularly raised in polls measuring public opinion. Certain areas are quite similar to combat zones, and at night you could hear gunfire. Community-based initiatives to build civility islands in response to low-level criminal inclinations that sidestep traditional legal channels have sprouted up in various locations worldwide (Schenkel, H., 2017). Legislators and administrators in the law enforcement system have a solid understanding of the nuances involved in criminal activity. Everything in our standard policy for administering criminal justice is being rethought from the bottom up. The criminal justice system, which encompasses policing, adjudication, sentencing, prisons, and other correctional institutions, is undergoing significant transformations (Schenkel, H., 2017). Public policing, public trials, and community justice are three new interaction methods with law enforcement gaining popularity in municipalities around the United States.
The deteriorating interaction between police and the general public, as well as the increasing involvement of women in gang activities, are two critical challenges that are encountered by criminal investigations in cultures that are polarized. Several studies have shown these challenges. Gang-related activities, complete with networks and marketplaces, have emerged due to the division and corruption within the border police, the military, and the customs agencies. Because members of the public have been unwilling to provide police investigators with essential evidence, many crimes have not been solved and will not be solved in the foreseeable future (Schenkel, H., 2017). Immigrants are more likely to be victims of crime because of linguistic and cultural barriers, even in this digital age (Doerr, N., 2017). To effectively investigate and prosecute any crime, there must first be political and social stability in the area. When social classes are differentiated, conducting criminal investigations and finding solutions to crimes becomes more challenging (Kalleber & Vallas 2018). Since the year 2000, we have seen an increase in the frequency of occurrence of this phenomenon in the United States. Consequently, criminal investigations tend to pay less attention to the lonely and wretched environments where the poor life.
High-volume crimes, visible manifestations of international crime and socially acceptable violence against women, and theft of natural resources are common among polarized communities in developing nations, according to Vashinav (2017). We all know that many of the most serious crimes in developing countries are the result of a lack of cohesiveness among the people living in such countries. Studies on crime in developed nations have received little attention from criminologists and other criminal scientists (Mir et al., 2018). Forensic scientists have a unique role in these investigations because of the practical nature of their work, and the developing world desperately needs such assistance. Researchers from both industrialized and developing nations have claimed significant regional differences in crime; thus, societies require an alternate hypothesis (Mir et al., 2018). However, this runs counter to the objective of theoretical sparsity that is generally accepted by the scientific community. The reasons for crime in underdeveloped countries should equally apply to crime in affluent countries. Yet, each culture may have something to teach us about the nature and factors contributing to criminal behavior.

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