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Book Review: Tom Clancy’s Rainbow (Essay Sample)


the task was to review a book, what is in the sample is the review of the book tom CLANCY'S rainbow six.


Book Review
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The title of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow six is borrowed from the United States Colour-coded War Plans, that is, the Rainbow plans of the 1930s. These plans were given to various countries as color codes and the codes outlined strategies for dealing with potential conflicts between coalitions of states. Rainbow six was the aggressor for international terrorists. However, ‘Rainbow Six' refers to John Clark, the leader of the rainbow since ‘Six' refers to a U.S. military commander.
Rainbow Six is the story of an elite task force formed by CIA operatives John Clark and Domingo Chavez who join the Special Air Service to deal with international terrorists. John Clark's task force is stationed in England since the British has the infrastructure neededSoon after this, an attempt to kidnap an Australian financier follows. As if that was not enough, at a theme park in Spain, the team is confronted with a rescue challenge where terrorists seize a group of children threatening to kill them one at a time if certain demands were not met including the release of some prisoners held by France. The task force effectively does its job but not without a witness a great tragedy in to the United States.
In conclusion the book focuses on how

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