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Literature Character Analysis of Boy 21 by Matthew Quick (Essay Sample)


This essay dwells on character analysis of both the major and minor characters featured in the novel among them Finley McManus, Russ (referred to as Boy 21), and Erin (Finley's girlfriend).


Character Analysis of Boy 21 by Matthew Quick
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Character Analysis of Boy 21 by Matthew Quick
“Boy 21” by Matthew Quick is an entrancing novel that dwells on matters basketball, friendship, love, and madness. The author who possesses an interest in mental health matters is an award-winning author known not only for Boy 21 but other famous books such as “The Silver Linings Playbook” that was transformed into an Oscar-winning movie featuring Bradley Cooper. Just like other novels by Matthew Quick, Boy21 narration takes readers on the same path by reflecting on the perplexing workings of its major characters. The central themes of transformation, hope, and community depicted in the book together with the excellent writing style employed by the author make Boy21 such a great success from start to the end. This essay dwells on character analysis of both the major and minor characters featured in the novel among them Finley McManus, Russ (referred to as Boy 21), and Erin (Finley’s girlfriend).
The story starts with Finley who is a self-proclaimed speaker staying in an unpleasant world. Finley McManus comes from Belmont, a town that is fictional situated in Philadelphia and populated by African Americans well as blue-collar Irish (Quick, 2014). Upon going through the novel, one realizes that an unspeakable catastrophe has struck Finley, a thing kept hidden that has altered his view on life. Due to his unfortunate past, he has committed himself entirely to basketball game he loved most, his family and the girlfriend Erin. These are the circles of Finley McManus's life as he endeavors to survive in Belmont in the midst of all manner of violence, mob, and drugs. The racial strain is additionally palpable, and keeping in mind that his dad must work to sustain the family, Finley, on the other hand, must take care of his disabled grandfather back at home.
Finley McManus lives for basketball. The redundancy and development quiet him and shield him from considering the more significant part of the darkness his mind keeps pushing him to. He is focused to the point that he even parts ways with his girlfriend at the start of every basketball season and thus the game becomes his new sweetheart thou temporal. One cannot point the finger at him since he truly lacks something else to grant him hope. “Finley, you are special too.  You need not to pick the role you will play in life. However, it is prudent to accomplish whatever role that comes across you in the best manner you can.” 
Matthew Quick's novel tends to the transitioning tropes of character and community, together with the perplexi...
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