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Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Classifications, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment (Essay Sample)


Cognitive-communication disorders are challenges associated with mode of communication, which are mainly brought about by a cognitive deficit and not by a basic language or a deficit in speech.


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Analysis of Cognitive-communication Disorders
Cognitive-communication disorders are challenges associated with mode of communication, which are mainly brought about by a cognitive deficit and not by a basic language or a deficit in speech (Norbury and Courtenary, 210- 2015). It occurs mostly due to improper functioning of many cognitive processes which include, orientation, memory, language, reasoning, and insight, judgments among others which are abilities that are controlled by cortical and subcortical structures in the brain. These cognitive processes stop when the frontal lobe of the brain is damaged either through an accident or diseases such as stroke which affects the right side of the brain. Individuals who suffer from these disorders mainly have difficulties in paying attention to a topic, understanding jokes, following direction, and remembering specific information (Norbury and Courtenary, 213- 2014). The severity of the diseases varies from one person to the other where those who have a severe impairment have difficulties in communicating while those who have a mild effect lose concentration in a loud environment. The following essay will focus on the analysis of the cognitive-communication disorder.
There are various types of cognitive disorder which includes;
* Delirium – this is when ones conscious is disturbed for a short period, mainly because of a haste change in mental condition. It has some sub-categories related to them;
* Substance Withdrawal Delirium
* Substance Intoxication Delirium
* Unspecified Delirium
* Dementia – it is where one's brain loses its functions, causing other cognitive impairments. It has the following sub-categories;
* Vascular Dementia
* Dementia Due to Alzheimer's Disease
* Dementia caused by HIV Disease
* Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia
* Dementia due to Pick's disease
* Amnestic Disorders – it is malfunctioning of one's memory where no other symptoms of other cognitive disorder are found. It has the following sub-categories;
* Organic Amnesic Syndrome
* Unspecified Amnestic Disorder
Many health problems may lead to cognitive disorders. One of them is a stroke. 35% to 44% of patients who suffer from stroke and survives in most cases get themselves suffering from cognitive-communication impairment (Voytek et al., 1090-1096). The other cause is a traumatic brain injury, brain tumor, or any degenerative disease; for example, Parkinson's disease also leads to these impairments. These diseases always tamper with the cognitive processes, which may lead to communication impairment. It can, however, occur on its own as a disease which attacks the right hemisphere, thus improper functioning of the brain (Voytek et al., 1090-1096). It can also combine with other conditions like, slurred speech or impaired language, which may lead to communication impairment.
Identification and Symptoms
These are ways that are used to identify whether an individual is suffering from this disease. Some of the methods include screening. It is done to those patients who have suffered from a brain injury or stroke. The testing is done a screening tool known as the cognitive-communication checklist for acquired brain injury (CCCABI), which is an online screening tool (Voytek et al., 1090-1096). When the assessment is done, those who are identified to be suffering from the disorder should be referred to a speech-language pathologist for further evaluation to distinguish between cognitive-communication deficit and aphasia especially when the patient is not talking (Ferguson, 101). The two diseases have similar symptoms since they cause a weakness in the communication process of an individual (Coppens and Patrick, 2016). This now then makes it essential for those individuals who suffer difficulties in communication to visit a speech-language pathologist for consultations. The signs and symptoms of cognitive-communication disorders include the following;
* Problems in participating in the conversation,
* Inability to write and read, understanding the content being communicated,
* Difficulties in responding on time, they also do not communicate transparently,
* Difficulties in remembering their experiences and conversations made,
* Inability to respond in a socially acceptable manner while expressing their sexual feelings in public,
* Failure to understand the instructions given or the movies they watch.
These occur to the individuals since their mind is incapable

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