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College Writing (Essay Sample)




College Writing
College Writing.
I have learned a lot of useful concepts in this online college writing class that I can incorporate in my daily life as well as my schoolwork. As a student in this field, college writing has allowed me to articulate my thoughts mainly in a religious sense. This occurs because I am taking ideas from my mind and crystallizing them in writing or on a screen display for others to apprehend them and potentially support them spiritually. These ideas are in a place where not only me but others, can see them for what they are. My ideas can become the opinions of others if they are persuasive and strong. This is the most important aspect of communication, and it is what I have created. This is the essence of communication that I have honed through my theological experiences in school and daily life.
I learned a variety of academic and college writing techniques in this class, which have proven to be useful almost in every area of my academic study. To commence with, college writing has acted as a way of communicating learned expertise in my religious field as well as other fields of community participation. College writing will assist us as learners in evaluating, expressing comprehensively, thinking objectively, and concentrating on methodology and formats.
I have also learned how to get some of the work written by others to create my work as a result of enrolling in this class. As we compose, we could undoubtedly refer to existing authors' concepts or works to draw our findings; we cannot simply sum up whatever they have completed, but we must consider why it has been accomplished and consider how we might apply it in the long term (Cowan M.A, 2000). We learn to interpret what we read and develop the most useful information out of it. This class, nevertheless, is relevant for reasons other than the big picture. Studying college writing lightens intelligence, prepares us how to interact and connect, and extends our cognitive capabilities and understanding of others. As a spiritual student, I believe that understanding others is a crucial skill. Failure to understand other people's emotions, feelings, and attitudes, and or behaviors can consequently lead to unfavorable outcomes. Any student ought to be a good thinker, and writing is a form of thought.
When most learners are weak in college writing, this can be challenging for them to clarify anything they know in higher educational institutions such as this. That is also particularly true for sophisticated subject areas. Learners will be able to articulate everything they know and understand using the right expressions and formats of writings and essays, as well as making the knowledge understandable to everyone else. It is indeed vital since, at its most simple level, it's about organizing my ideas so that they're coherent and make logical sense, first to me as a student and then to my readers.
This is a college writing course that has proved to be a major aspect in shaping my career in most career paths. We learned how to write good academic documents in this class. Writing professionally is also one of those qualities that, no matter what you want to do, will help you advance in your career. Once performed well, good writing often disappears into the background as the message is smoothly conveyed to your readers. Bad writing, on the other hand, is instantly visible and can affect your reputation. For instance, we have once in a time received a mail which had the complete opposite impact as the sender expected.
College writing places a heavy emphasis on methodology and how it can be further used to better express thoughts in today's world, at any time and in any place. We would find it a lot easier to write professional documents in our college studies if we as students learn about the format as well as how to write academic papers as early as now, just as we learned in the college writing class. As a theological student, I will apply the lessons learned in this class in my future religious career. In today's world, college writing is used in a

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