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Conflict In Miguel De Unamuno’s Philosophical Novel "The Mist" (Essay Sample)


Conflict in Miguel de Unamuno's the Mist

Conflict in Miguel de Unamuno’s the Mist Name Institutional Affiliation Conflict in Miguel de Unamuno’s the Mist Unamuno’s Mist is a philosophical novel and its kind in light of monumental fiction. It dispenses the content with the usual convention of time, place, and action. Unamuno traces the benign life of the pampered character Augusto (De Unamuno, 2017). The author beautifully uses dialogue to reveal the conflicts that the character undergoes in his life, some of which are familiar life choices archetypical of every young person. His mother, whom he was fond recently died and he encounters the conflict of trying to fit in a world so cruel (De Unamuno, 2017). Unamuno calls these struggles agonists. He is presented with the opportunity to choose whom to love, and the options he has before him are numerous, and full of schemers and those who wish her well, but how does he tell the genuine from the fake? That is the question. The main conflicting interest revolves around the trigonometric love affair between Eugenia, Augusto, and Eugenia’s aunt. Augusto battles for genuine love from Eugenia who is already in love with Mauricio (De Unamuno, 2017). She refuses his advances, something that disturbs Augusto’s conscience. Eugenia’s aunt wants this relationship to develop because she feels Augusto could help supplement the family budget, which is utterly opportunism. As a good will gesture, Augusto even pays Eugenia’s mortgage without her notice. The gesture to her is an insult and hurts her. The battle for love presents the greatest conflict to the main character’s life. The novel involves stream of consciousness which develops the plot, revealing the characters battles with self in most circumstances (De Unamuno, 2017). After consultation, Augusto proposes to Eugenia who accepts the proposal, only to turn it down on the day of the wedding as she ran to elope with Mauricio. The action shows the indecisive nature of human be...
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