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Courtesy Literature & Language Essay Research Paper (Essay Sample)


the task was to give examples of pathos, logos and ethos in life.
the sample was about courtesy as a habit, using day to day activities that require acts of kindness, hence use of pathos , logos and ethos.


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Why courtesy as a habit is important.
It is disappointing when someone spills a drink on you, but it gets even worse when they do not bother to say “sorry” it may one word but just it makes a lot of difference(logos).Nowadays people have become so egocentric that they only think of whats only good for them and not looking around them.Courtesy has been neglected as some people have perceived it as a sign of weakness or vulnerability,which is not true. According to me,courtesy is noble,kind and respectful and necessary in day to day interactions.Being courteous is use of polite words and expressions during our conversations,and doing what is ethically right.Mother Teresa said, “Kind words are short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless”.(logos)

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