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Differences among Nursing theories (Essay Sample)

This essay was written about Differences among Nursing theories. Here different theories were mentioned for the welfare of humans health. Martha rogers, Newman's theory and Maslow's concept was briefly described here. These all were focusing on patients and their environment to fulfil the goals of healthy life. source..
Differences among Nursing theories Writer Institution Differences among Nursing theories All these theories are based on the same concept of the unitary human being. This concept was introduced by Martha Rogers who stated that a human being is an energy unit known by pattern manifestation which cannot be described by the sum of its parts, human functions as a whole instead of its parts. So, a human and his environment are an integral unit that cannot be separated. It helps nurses to focus on the patient and his environment in addition to their goals of preventing illness. Newman’s theory of “Health as expanding consciousness” is based on rogers’ theory. But the main point of the theory is health and illness. And health is the process of developing awareness and consciousness of a person’s self and environment. This theory helps the nurses to take care of cancer patients CITATION End17 \l 1033 (Endo, 2017). They help them to find meaning in their lives by thinking about themselves and achieving a higher level of consciousness. While Parses’ theory is not about health and illness but it is about the day-to-day way of living according to a unitary being. Humans are made of different factors including biological, psychological, and spiritual. This concept guides nurses to provide care to patients according to their perspectives. These Unitary process theories are based on the nursing principle which is specific to humans and their environment while other theories are general and talk about the physical, psychological, and biological needs of a human being...
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