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Economic development and environmentalism (Essay Sample)

Instructions: Examine how economic development and environmentalism can be vehicles for external regulation that threaten the subsistence patterns and way of life of indigenous people. APA citation style, 250-300 words, single line spacing. Should have maximum of 2 references. Topic: Anthropology. source..
Economic Development and Environmentalism Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date How Economic Development and Environmentalism can be Vehicles for External Regulation that threaten the Subsistence Patterns and way of life of Indigenous people Economic development and environmentalism have been explored to show how they impact indigenous people's way of life. Indigenous people have experienced challenges in various regions due to forced market economic integration. Additionally, the indigenous people represent the most significant cultural diversity and have experienced challenges where their cultures have been threatened by economic development and environmentalism. The exploitation of resources is one of the challenges experienced by indigenous people. The approaches involving using resources to improve the economy have led to the exploitation of resources in some areas (Dawson et al., 2021). For instance, some ingenious people largely rely on the environment where they farm and rare livestock. Nonetheless, they experience challenges whereby organizations exploit their resources. Labor is another aspect involved in economic development. Indigenous people also face labor exploitation during economic development as the firms pay less for the hard work. Laborers have encountered challenges trying to become productive in environmentalism and economic growth (Hite & Seitz, 2021). Some companies use indigenous people in mining and farming, but their salaries are minimal, leading to hardship among the indigenous people. Although governments have introduced minimum wages, many people experience challenges where they are underpaid. The indigenous people have also claimed that some are subjected to a dangerous working environment threatening their lives. For example, some mines are dangerous, and loss of lives has been experienced (Hite & Seitz, 2021)....
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