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Digestive system (Essay Sample)

1 page 300 words, apa formating and no sources. no plagiarism and the use of ai. the task required the analysis of the digestieve system. it involved calculations of the carbohydrates, fats and proteins breakdown and how they will benefit an athlete. The task was delivered promptly and this led to receiving an a from the client who also gave a bonus due to the good work done. source..
Digestive System Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name and Title Assignment Due Date Digestive System Carbohydrates in the pizza are broken into simple sugars. Saliva has amylase enzymes that perform this task in the mouth. Once in the stomach, the compound pepsin breaks down the proteins found in cheese into amino acids. There is also pancreatic lipase produced in the pancreas that breaks the fats in the cheese. There are fingerlike extensions in the small intestines called villi that collect the nutrients that remain. Pepperoni spices are digested differently. Pepperoni pizza digestion begins in the mouth after amylase breaks it down. However, much digestion occurs in the stomach when gastric juice breaks pepperoni. Finally, the small intestines contain bile that processes fat in the pizza into fatty acids. For the onions, the mouth breaks it down into macronutrients through amylase. The amylase converts the food into smaller carbohydrates for easy digestion. In the stomach, enzymes from the hydrochloric acid prevent harmful bacteria from entering. The enzymes are pepsin, lipase, mucus, and pepsinogen continue to break down the food into smaller particles. The liver contains the bile salt enzyme that further breaks the pizza down. The pancreas produces gastric juice and bicarbonate ions, erepsin, and cholecystokinin. Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins Breakdown Pizza with Cheese Carbohydates-12%, Fat-13%, Protein-24% Pizza with Pepperoni Carbohyd...
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