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Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics (Essay Sample)

2 pages, double spaced , apa format and 3 sources. no plagiarism or the use of ai. what are the different prescriptions for drug use? the drugs that have no label, are they viable ? the focus of the paper is on children and whether the off label drugs can be used in pediatrics. I delivered the paper followig all requirements and with zero plagiarism. I pride myself in delivring the required paper following all instructions and no ai. source..
Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name and Title Assignment Due Date Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics Prescription of Drugs for Off-Label Use Doctors can prescribe off-label drugs for children in the absence of approved drugs to treat a specific condition. For instance, there are no approved drugs to administer to children affected by headaches and migraines, hence a doctor cannot prescribe aspirin or Ibuprofen. Most cases like these often lead to children feeling sad with decreased appetite and increased irritation similar to allergies. In such cases, a physician can prescribe off-label medication to assist a child to ease their pain. Case and point, the health expert should prescribe Ibuprofen or aspirin in half doses. Moreover, there can also be the use of vaccines, vitamins, and minerals that reduce children’s headaches. Overall, such a circumstance warrants the prescription of drugs for off-label use. A child complains of feeling sad, lack of any desire to perform previously enjoyed activities, changes in eating patterns and sleep patterns, fear, lack of attention, and signs of self-destructive behavior, it is likely that they suffer from a mental illness. There are no psychopharmacological drugs approved for children (Egberts et al., 2022). Children that score 30 and above on the rating scale are signs of depression (Walden University, 2019). Such circumstances warrant the prescription of drugs like haloperidol, clonidine, valproate, and lithium to improve and help stabilize mood in children. Other viable drugs that can be prescribed are clomipramine and diazepam as antidepressants. However, the drugs need to be taken in moderation as directed by the medical expert. A mental status exam that shows a child seems normal, for instance, with no disruptive behavior, but the youngster also complains of sadness and feeling withdrawn warrants a health practitioner to prescribe drugs for children. There is a likelihood that such a child suffers from a rare disease with no approved medication. For example, a child can have ADHD showcased by behavior problems like smiling and frowning within minutes, increased periods of isolation, and suicidal thoughts (Walden University, 2019). Such circumstances merit doctors to prescribe stimulants and antihypertensive drugs to treat the condition in children. Strategies to Make Off-Label and Dosage Safer For Children The first strategy is a child assessment conducted comprehensively to increase the safety of children using off-label drugs. An effective child assessment program examines the presence of adverse effects like diarrhea and fever after taking drugs. Thus, a health expert will conduct baseline tests prior to administering any medication (Egberts et al., 2022). Other tests include coagulation tests and laboratory tests that examine liver functioning, and how it is affected by the use of drugs (Egberts et al., 2022). For instance, lithium and Bupropion medications require extra monitoring as the former is known to increase toxicity, while the latter increases the risk of seizures in children (Llanes et al., 2020). More importantly, protocols should be administered especially the involvement of parents before prescribing any drugs. Overall, the strategy makes it safe for children to use off-label drugs from infancy to adolescence. The second strategy is to label drugs that have not been approved to ensure relevant nurses provide children with the correct dosage making it innocuous. Labels can be categorized based on age since children react differently to drugs. Labeling aids to eliminate assumptions from ...
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