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Effects of Stress on Health Research Assignment Paper (Essay Sample)
Effects of Stress on Health
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Stress we all have felt it. Having sweaty hands on a first date, feeling the heart pounding so fast during an interview or breathing so fast during a contest. Then you realize that we can experience stress in both our body and mind. Stress is any change in the environment that will require your body to react adjusting in response (Krantz & McCeney, 2002). Stress can be either positive force, motivating you to perform better e.g. getting good news about a job promotion or salary adjustment or negative force which has side effects to your body e.g. when a person faces misfortunes in life and many challenges without relief in between the challenges. Stress becomes negative in the body this results to the person being overworked and overwhelmed and stress related tension builds.
Stress is not something that happens in your head alone; the effect reaches to almost every part of your body. Stress is a mechanism used by your body to respond to potential dangers; it is designed in such a way to help you successfully escape threats (Thorn et al 2007). When your brain notices a potential threat, it directs adrenal glands to secrete a hormone called adrenaline and cortisol. These are the hormones which increases the heart rate, blood pressure flow in your body. When stress becomes chronic rather than temporary it starts affecting your health negatively.
Chronic stress results to sleep disturbance, when you’re stressed, worries and anxieties can’t allow you to turn off or you find yourself waking up more. Sleep deprivation has effect on your eating habits, which tends to make you down on calories and more fat. There is some individual variation in that, some people when under stress condition lose appetite for food and they lose weight while some people gains weight under stress condition.
In “flight or fight” chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol are released which causes vascular changes. This results to migraine ore tension headache, which can be during stress or the period afterwards (Denollet et al 2010). Cortisol interferes with the neurotransmitters which contain a chemical that is used by the brain cells to convey message to each other; as a result it becomes hard to recall past things.
During pregnancy, stress can led to intrauterine growth restriction in the early gestation and in the third trimester stress can increase chances of premature labor. Stress is known to raise blood sugar in patients with diabetes type II (Krantz et al 2011). In digestion system, stress causes effects such as heartburn, stomach cramping, and stomach ulcers. Stress causes irritable bowel syndrome which is characterized by pain, constipation and diarrhea.
In conclusion, reducing stress will make your health better right now and also in days to come. It’s important to identi...
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