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English Literature Literature & Language Essay Paper (Essay Sample)


in his book "the monkey's paw" the author w. w. jacobs depicts this book as a super natural story book where three wishes are granted to the owner of the monkey's paw and wishes usually result into an enormous price once interfered with.


“the monkeys paw" be careful what you wish for- you just might get it.
The Monkey's Paw represents a magic attraction presented in the home of the white family to aid in granting wishes to the owners. The story highlights the greed nature of man in desiring what owned by someone and which in the long-run proves costly. The story acts as a warning to the readers who imagines that what someone owns is always gold.
  In the story, Jacobs used the symbol of monkey’s paw to represent the aspirations and needs entrusted to mankind. This represents a warning story to mankind who faces decision n their everyday lives to choose what is good or important in their lives (Jacobs, 1997). For instance, in the story, the whites are used to depict their good life before the monkey's paw is initiated in their midst. The introduction prompts into changes in every aspect of their moral values. This is a warning that every human being needs to be watchful in their desires. In the story, the white people are advised that their decisions are not always accompanied by the best outcomes but rather more weird outcomes.
The Whites’ ruin is evidenced by their desire and need to own more than what they need to survive. Mr. White with all his possessions of comfortable home and happy family uses the monkey’s paw to obtain extra

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