How Writing has Impacted Kenyans? (Essay Sample)
the task was to examine the impact of writing on kenyans. this sample is about what kenyans have gained and learned through writing .
How Writing Has Impacted Kenyans
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How Writing has Impacted Kenyans
Writing plays a major role in our society today since it enables us to get information and also acquire knowledge that lead to development. This paper examines how writing has impacted Kenyans. It brings out the influence that writing has on Kenyans.
In her first book, Ogola (in Gikandi & Mwangi, 2007) brings into light the fight against dominance and historical events by women. She also touches on world war1, colonialism and how they affect Kenyan families. (Gikandi & Mwangi, 2007). This book contributed to the uprising of young writers such as Apollo’s work which acts as continuation of Ogola’s work.
Klopp and Kamungi work takes Kenyans through the pain that Kenyans experienced during post-election violence. (Klopp & Kamungi, 2007). Through their writings young generation can learn the effects of war and it also serves as a reminder to Kenyans as a whole so as to prevent the same situation from recurring.
Njeru, Suda and Kilbrid focuses on street children and explains why street children are seen as individuals with different social characteristics and stress on the fact that street children are similar to other Kenyans.( Kilbride, Suda, & Njeru, 2000). This work enables us to know more about children living in the streets and also changes our opinions on them.
Writing has in many ways impact the life of Kenyans in that it has changed our view on different things and has inspired individuals to be writers. Also
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