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Human Resources Management Literature & Language Essay (Essay Sample)


Human resources Management: Staff Development


Human Resources Management : Staff Development
Institutional Affiliation
Part A : Training and Development
MNP Group Management is a company that offers relevant services in organizational development and strategic management. The modest size of the business poses a challenge to the recruitment department, which has to be able to attract young and competent staff, promoting the retention of this latter. In order to achieve the desired outcomes, MNP Group Management relies on particular measures that are complementary to the human resources direction. They include a very active staff participation to the company environment in a way that undoubtedly favours the staff performance at the highest levels. MNP Group Management has contracts with private companies coming from the manufacturing sector and occupies a particular niche of the business market lying between an area of the semi autonomous workers, on the one hand, and the big firm that supervise them, on the other hand. Therefore its competitive abilities and strengths come from a highly selected teamwork, with approximately five years of experience and holding a master degree with a solid background. The company should be able to attract highly competitive candidates and, subsequently, to retain them through an adequate process of development. Every six months, the entire staff takes part in a two-days assessment meeting whose target is to make a diagnosis of the state of the market. A biannual strategic meeting is an opportunity to choose and focus on those innovative, ground-breaking themes that might develop into a strategic vision to comply with, during the year. Each participant makes his/her contribution by reviewing the assessment meeting. The results of the latter shall be forwarded to the group in the framework of the subsequent meetings. These aspects of the skills development make it possible the staff to be aware of the most recent progresses and trends, arising in the various action areas of the company. The teamwork contributes to the development of their employability and their vocational training. As such, each worker at the same time improves his/her potential value on the job market. This aspect generally bolsters the staff's proclivity to remain in the current business. The company is used to arranging regular seminars in order to efficiently deal with those cases in need to be evaluated, analysed more attentively than the others . The presentation and discussions tend to be focused on the first approach taken about the complex case and on the outcomes and gaps emerging from the context. This is a useful practice for inspiring the teamwork to share their experiences and their enlightments, helping to maintain a common philosophy of cooperation and development. The managers can assist the employees career development as follows :

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