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Influences others in Human Resources Research Assignment (Essay Sample)


Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction—clearly uses an “irresistible” introduction like CDSO, Hypothetical Situation, Epigraph
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Thesis—arguable and specific, uses one of the “Two Rules” (“Everything is Connected” or “Question Authority”)
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Body paragraphs—each analyzes a detail from the ad, links this detail to thesis
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conclusion—a rhetorically powerful summation of the main idea
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar/ Style
Attention to sentence variety, smooth transitions, correct grammar, and the "pegged pants" of punctuation.
15.0 pts
After your presentation, you will submit a four-to-five-page essay as the last essay assignment for the course. This essay will interpret the “signs” of your own ad, much in the same way you practiced in the first two essays for this course.
VERY IMPORTANT: When you write the essay, you are NO LONGER "SELLING" THE PRODUCT. Instead, you are critiquing an ad campaign (that you designed) like you did in Essay #1. Refer back to the “two rules” of semiotic analysis from our first two essays in order to arrive at a thesis: “Everything is Connected” and “Question Authority.” What social or political trends appear in the campaign, either overtly or subliminally? What subversive, manipulative, or even disturbing elements appear in the ad, elements to which you, the advertisers, would resist admitting? Or, simply, to which trends or beliefs is this campaign “connected”? You may also find the following questions helpful in supporting your thesis; you are not required to answer all of these!
Who is the intended audience?
What sort of characters/ images are used? Why were they chosen?
What segments of the public might be ignored or alienated by this ad? Why?
Does the ad have an elitist or populist appeal; that is, toward which social class is it targeted?
What is the ad selling besides the product?
What is the tone of the ad? How is the tone created?
What image does the ad attempt to create for this product?
Why will this ad be effective in persuading its target audience to buy the product?
How does the ad use metaphor?
How do such elements as color, body language, camera movement, copy, subliminal images, etc., support the campaign's goal?
Above all, create a project that interests and engages you!


Influences others in Human Resources
The ad campaign that is being critiqued by the paper was advertising the new variety of barbiturates. As a new drug that is to be used during the process of euthanasia, barbiturates are effective, and they offer a more reliable solution when pediatricians are seeking to assist an individual through the process of assisted suicide. Away from the drug and how effective it is at carrying its distinct role, this paper seeks to critique the ad campaign that was designed to help in marketing the drug. An analysis of the ad showcases how it effectively manages to entail and encompass all the good qualities of an ad which have contributed to its effectiveness in marketing the new drug.
The qualities of a good ad, such as the one that has been used to market this new drug, include; the ad being memorable, the ad being able to effectively target its audience, the ad should be entertaining, and the ad should grab the attention of viewers (Conrad, 2018). Looking at these four significant qualities of a good ad, the ad manages to effectively achieve its objective which creates awareness of the new drug and in so doing increase its sale and its use. However, it is fair to mention that there are social trends that have been captured by the ad. For instance, the ad by advocating for the use of this drug directly and openly supports euthanasia. In many social set-ups in the current times, the issue of assisted suicide has been in contention with parties having differing opinions on the matter. While there are those that are in support of euthanasia, there are some who are against assisted suicide. The ad, which is three-minute video showcases the color of these new drugs, and as the video continues, viewers can also see an old individual who is peacefully in bed being injected with the drug that will help him pass away in peace. Thus, the ad openly supports the issue of assisted suicide which is a social issue. Despite the stand that people might have regarding the matter, it is fair to mention that by appealing to the emotion of viewers, the ad manages to win the attention of the audience and in so doing seek to encourage people to change their stand on assisted suicide.
Some disturbing elements have been used in the ad. One of these disturbing elements is the use of a distressed character, the woman who is roughly in her late sixties is agonizing in pain. The woman is on the bed, and from the subheadings that are used in the clip, we can understand that she has a chronic disease which is causing so much pain. The image of the helpless and hurting woman is distressing to viewers. However, as the advertisers, one might argue that the distressing image is necessary to convince the viewers that the drugs are necessary for taking away the pain and give the old woman who is suffering from a chronic infection eternal peace that is free of pain. Therefore, the advertisers might argue that the image was necessary, but the point remains that the image is disturbing.
On a different note, it is also important to look at the trends that this advert seems to support or rather lean on. For example, the ad appears to be in support of the argument that assisted suicide should be legalized. In most parts of the world, euthanasia has not been embraced as there are still many considerations that are being considered before assisted suicide is legalized. However, in select nations euthanasia has been legalized and the argument that is held by those in support of the use of this new drug is that the decision to take away someone’s life lies with the person who owns the life. Therefore, if one feels that he would be happier and more peaceful while dead, then the state has no choice but to grant the wish of the individual. However, some considerations need to be made before the wish to die is granted. Such reasons, which is among the contributing factors, is that if one has a chronic disease. All the same, the ad seeks to advocate for the trend that euthanasia or rather assisted suicide should be legalized. With its legalization, the sale and the use of this new drug will increase as there will be a ready market.
Analyzing other aspects of the ad, the target audience for the ad is the public and medical personnel. In detail, anyone with a chronic disease or anyone who feels that they need to undergo euthanasia is a target audience for this ad. They are the target audience in that they are the users of the drugs. Pediatricians and personnel in the medical profession are also the target audience since they are the ones who are to administer the drugs to individuals and the drug comes as an effective option to replace other drugs that were improved but not...
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