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Discussion Influencing Policy And Legislation (The Most Interesting) (Essay Sample)
This was a very short discussion paper
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
1 Influencing Policy and Legislation (the most interesting)
2 Changing Organizational Practices
3 Fostering conditions and networks
4 Educating Providers
5 Promoting Community Education
6 Strengthening individual knowledge and skills (Cohen, Chaves, & Chehimi, 2010).
What I hope do with my master’s degree
I will use my master’s degree to champion for policies and help in formulating regulation that is necessary for prevention. I am fascinated by the need to influence policy and legislation in the prevention work. Human beings are controlled by sets of rules and regulations. For prevention work to be successful, there is legislation and changing of organizational practices that is needed. I intend to learn more on legislation and focus on organizational change in prevention work. Organizational change is interesting because it involves changing attitudes and behaviors of individuals at a personal level. I believe this will make my master’s degree worthy. I intend to find the best solutions for my society to help with the prevention work.
What future education is needed?
I am keen to focus more on my education plans in the near future. My master’s degree is...
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