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Qualities Of A Secular Saint And Rootedness In The Articulations Of Justice (Essay Sample)
Qualities Of A Secular Saint And Rootedness In The Articulations Of Justice
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Qualities of a secular saint and rootedness in the articulations of justice
Simone Weil, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King physically lived in three different and separate places. They also had different particular concerns that appeared to create an ultimate rift when comparing them. However, these differences are minimal and their general message of their lives is the same and cannot be separated. This defines a secular saint.
Dr. Ambrosio defines a secular saint as a person who is both committed in searching for the meaning and lives in the question of meaning in the paths of a saint and hero. Commonly, the secular saint works toward the mastery of their vision.
In this case, Simone Weil not only lived in the question of meaning but also died searching the meaning. Simone died from a condition called tuberculosis that was irritated by lacking enough food. She lacked food not because she did not have but avoided it in an effort of showing harmony with her diplomats in Nazi who occupied France. She showed harmony in order to find meaning in herself. These actions gave us a hint on who Simone is and how she defines the secular saint. Although, the short life she lived was in a different way that made her death a surprise. Her life was of challenge as she left teaching to work in a factory. Her love on humanity and spirituality showed the life of a saint and a hero by committing herself to death while living her life.
Martin Luther is actually the same as Simone as he died because of believing and following life with an intention of bringing justice to blacks in United States during the movement of Civil Rights. On the other hand, Mother Teresa died naturally without directly correlating to justice life she wanted for those around her and herself. Both Martin and Teresa had ideas of justice and defined them to be heroes despite their religious differences as Martin was a Reverend and Mother a nun. These religious affiliations show the life of a saint in them and they lived their lived fully till death just like Simone.
Mother Teresa wanted human beings to be recognized and their capability of recognizing suffering. Although suffering may not be lightened, respecting human beings is important by acknowledging their suffering. Martin Luther had a believe that every person is worth of same rights despite color of their skin. In Weil’s view, one can try as much to lighten suffering but if it cannot be achieved then living own life in a manner that can cause harm is supported. By doing this, ...
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