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Discuss The Importance Of Discipline, Communique, As Well As Motivation (Essay Sample)


the aim was to discuss the importance of discipline, communiqué, as well as motivation, in classroom and students as well

                      Semantic Map of Student Needs Name Institution   In healthy classroom management, discipline, communiqué, as well as motivation, provides a practical approach to classroom emphasizing on diversity, respect, healthy motivation, dignity, health communication as well as healthy motivation. According to (Smith, Nolen-Hoeksema, Fredrickson, & Loftus, 2003), the humanistic perception of psychology is a school/ an institute of psychology that occurred in the late 1950s as response psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Arguably, it is mainly dedicated to the human dimension of people perception for improvement of psychological theory. In its place, humanistic psychology suggested an idea of human potential and emphasized the importance of development and self-actualization. This method stresses the idea that people can add to improving or developing their mental as well as physical health. Besides, these theories consider environmental factors to determine people experience. On the other hand, humanistic psychology is in account with human science a method to psychology and emphasizes on the experience of the human. Significantly, humanistic psychology is directly in difference with cognitivism a method that humanistic psychologies are powerfully critical. According to (Smith, Nolen-Hoeksema, Fredrickson, & Loftus, 2003), discipline emphasized a phenomenology opinion of people experience and further clarifying that they wanted to understand people and their behavior by way of carrying out qualitative research. Educational professionals invented classroom management word with the aim of illustrating the methods that teachers use to make sure that the classroom teachings are efficiently conducted in spite of whatever upsetting behavior scholars involves themselves in.  Also, a huge part of conservative classroom consists of behavior modification. Significantly, one behavior modification method is punishment. Punishmen...
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