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Impact Of An Artist Or Musician: Pop Singer Michael Jackson (Essay Sample)



Describe the impact of an artist or musician who managed to capture the public imagination and achieve fame in their lifetime. Critically review the content of their work, and explain why it remains compelling today
Many artists have existed in the past but only a handful have left a legacy that has in one way or the other impacted on the lives of its listeners. Alive or dead, most of their songs are still popular in the music industry and their messages pass from one generation to another (Covach 34). Michael Jackson is one pop singer whose fame still pierces through the memory of every listener even though he passed away in 2012. His works have however motivated, educated, and liberated most people from bondage and cocoons of hatred.
"You are not alone," is one song that has in decades remained in the memories of any victim, male or female, going through any tough situation in his/her life. The song that was made in early 2000 has stayed popular because it can be sung in any situation that demands comfort. That ranges from burials, diseases and even to break-ups. The lyrical song comforts any depressed victim that no matter how tough the situation may seem, the victim must never let in the power of depression to reign because it is a mental condition that can in the long run result even to the loss of life in worse scenarios (Frith, Goodwin, and Grossberg 28). In addition, the song also educates in the sense that it urges the society as a whole to always be brothers' keepers by always running to aid victims in sorrow. In that perceptual context, it empowers the society as a whole to approach challenges holistically in order to save the human race.
His other art was the ‘Earthly' song that clearly condemned environmental destruction in the name of industrialization. In his song, he asserts that the basis of industries and factories is the core source of all human suffering. In the pictorial clip of his work, he begins when pasture and fauna are at its brink of greenness. He observes that mankind comes up with innovation and reproduces uncontrollably to the extent that nature is physically evacuated to create space for settlement of humans. This is very destructive especially in the aftermath that follows after destroying the forest. Instances of storms, flood, and tsunami are seen to increase death rates and ironically vandalize structures that had in the first case set man to destroy the forest (Greeson, and Williams 61). The song is educative and strives to liberate mankind from environmental destruction with a warning that "what goes around comes around!" The piece of the song has for decades been used in large environ...
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