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Milos Forman Basing On Historical Novel Ragtime Of 1975 (Essay Sample)


movie review


Ragtime (movie)
This is an American drama film of 1981 which was directed by Milos Forman basing on historical novel Ragtime of 1975.
The story takes place in the early 1900s in NewRochelle, New York and Atlanta city having its music composed by Randy Newman.
The story talks about racism which is depicted by Coalhouse Walker, Jr who is an African American pianist who is in love with Sarah. Though he is an African American he is not shy like attitude with other African American at the time in his new Model T Ford, he announces of marrying Sarah and he is so happy but his problems start because when he is blocked out of the way by volunteer firemen lead by Conklin. He leaves to find a racist policeman only to find his car soiled with manure, after protesting he is arrested by the policeman for illegally parking his car. He tries to pursue a legal action for vandalization of his car but fails to get a lawyer to represent him due to his race. His wife to be Sarah attempts to inform president Roosevelt about his case but she is beaten by guards gets injuries and succumbs to wounds. Due to Sarah’s death, he gangs up with a group of his supporters who threatens to attack more firehouses after ambushing volunteer firemen and killing several and demands for the restoration of his car and Conklin handed over for justice. Later he agrees to surrender if the commissioner agrees for his supporters to depart in his restored car. He surrenders to police but as he steps out of building with his hands raised the commissioner Waldo orders a sniper finish him who after being shot stumbles and falls dead.
In this story, there is a show of class where Harry Kendall Thaw who is a millionaire industrialist married to Evelyn Nesbit who feels that he is not recognized for his reputation and feels angered when the latest creation by White of a nude statue is unveiled which is a model of his wife. He publicly shoots and kills White for humiliation and he thinks that his wife has been corrupted by White and he is detained in an asylum but he is later released towards the end CITATION pet16 \l 1033 (peter, 2016). The might of class is also depicted where Thaw’s wife is bribed by Thaw’s lawyer Dephin to keep silent about his husband’s mental instability by a million dollar divorce settlement she accepts and at the trial she testifies how White had abused her but later she is caught by the lawyers with Young Brother naked and she is told Thaw will sue her for divorce for infidelity she is offered less which she takes for her divorce settlement.
Gender is depicted by women not having a place to argue in their families like looking at a ca...
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