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Social Changes In American Society Civil Rights And Movement (Essay Sample)
Social Changes In American Society Civil Rights And Movement
Social Change Campaigns 1945-1970s
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Social Change Campaigns 1945-1970s
Martin Luther King, Jr did great things to ensure that equality among all Americans was achieved regardless of their race. The major thing that Martin Luther King did bring all civil right efforts and activities to the public and provided the needed leadership. He was recognized in international level and in 1964 was awarded Nobel price (Gilmore, 2015). He employed strategies such as peaceful protest, marches, and protests, which led to the legislation of racial discrimination in 1965 (Gilmore, 2015). To achieve peaceful and non-violent protest Martin taught his followers to practice it (Ward, 2017). This was the great achievement to his ideology of acknowledgment and respect to civil right movement during his time. Luther King believed that country come together will bring great changes to civil rights and death was the ultimate lost to every American.
African-American Civil rights movement was the movement led by Martin Luther King. The movement was founded in 1955 to 1968. The formation of the movement was prompt by the need to abolish racial discrimination in areas such as employment, education, public transportation and voting (Taylor, 2016). The movement greatly employed Luther’s ideology of civil disobedience and non-violent protest. This caused several crisis situation and government was between the rocks and had to take some actions to mitigate the crisis. These non-violent protests which were done mostly through marches, boycotts, and sit-ins. It led to legislation of Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965 and Fair Housing Act of 1968 was the major achievement of t...
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