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Justice In The Workplace: The Possible Actions I Will Take (Essay Sample)
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Justice in the workplace
In this summer vacation, I have taken an internship for a local politician who is popular in my town. As I was working there, another worker informed me that the politician is a womanizer and he has been making inappropriate advances to the female workers in most cases the young interns. I have been partial to the politician’s candidacy and views, but although I am a man, I have now decided to take an action to help the female workers from this crisis. I will consider different possible actions I might take to response to the issue and then choose the best.
The possible actions I will take
The first response I will make is to question my close female workers on the matter. After I get the truth of the information, I will now decide on which action to take. Having read Michael Sandal’s book on justice I will reflect on his ideas on utilitarian to make a response to the issue. I will approach the man to discuss this issue even if I have to lose my job but make sure I have relieved the pain the female workers are going through and increase their pleasure while working with that man (Sandel 31). I will explain to him that, as a politician, he has to maximize the overall welfare of the population including his workers.
I will also apply the libertarians approach, as I believe every worker has individual rights to encourage the affected female workers. I will advise them to take an action of either leaving the internship as they have freedom of choice and voluntary association. I will let them know that the basis of justice is their individual freedom. I will advise them to leave working with the politician and look jobs at other places to preserve their dignity. They should understand that they are core protectors of their individual rights and not the government. I will explain to the affected workers that they should make wise decisions on this issue, as they are responsible for their actions. They have to focus on their dignity. I will also explain to them that the society or the government are not only grant their rights but they should be the first to ensure their liberties and lives are secure.
Another action I may take I will consider my understanding of virtue from Sandel’s book. I will organize all the workers to collaborate to protect our rights and security. It is our obligation as workers to cooperate in order to fight for the female workers' rights but we should not remain neutral on this issue and behave as if nothing is happening (Sandel 36). We will agree on the virtues we believe will constitute for the good life for all workers and aim at promoting them. From our collaboration, we will approach the man and address our issues and the virtues we have to decide to promote. Another person in my place may decide to advise the politician on the importance of morality, uprightness, honesty, dignity, and integrity.
From the understanding, I got from Kantian’s philosophy I know that as all people are reasoning beings they are worthy of respect and the employer’s acts of womanizing shows disrespect to the female workers (Sandel 42). I might consider approaching the politician applying Kantian philosophy to ensure the outcome of solving this issue is effective to everyone. I will focus on the outcome to ensure the politician treats all employees with dignity. To emphasize justice in my action I will approach the politician and tell him a truth but in a positive way pretending I do not understand what is happening, not a lie as lying will create an untrustworthy outcome. I will tell him that I have been observing the female workers and I have found that they seem not comfortable working in the organization. I will tell him that I will organize with the other workers to help him investigate the issue to ensure equal dignity in the workplace. I believe that, from the action he will take an action and apologize to the female workers he had already made inappropriate advances and promise them that he will not repeat the action so they should not let the other workers know his behavior. To avoid embarrassment and not to lose respect and support in his candidacy as a politician he will quite the behavior and leading to achievement of dignity in the workplace in an effective way to all parties.
Considering the issue, I might also apply John Rawl’s philosophy to achieve equality. I will not assume the issue but I will consider myself if I was in that situation and stand to adopt principles to protect the female workers. As workers, we will enter into a contract with the employer to guarantee basic freedoms for all of us, only permitting the economic and social inequalities that are good for most of the workers. We will produce a moral responsibility in a natural way where no consent will be required and no one will be harm and treat all workers with respect (Sande...
Justice in the workplace
In this summer vacation, I have taken an internship for a local politician who is popular in my town. As I was working there, another worker informed me that the politician is a womanizer and he has been making inappropriate advances to the female workers in most cases the young interns. I have been partial to the politician’s candidacy and views, but although I am a man, I have now decided to take an action to help the female workers from this crisis. I will consider different possible actions I might take to response to the issue and then choose the best.
The possible actions I will take
The first response I will make is to question my close female workers on the matter. After I get the truth of the information, I will now decide on which action to take. Having read Michael Sandal’s book on justice I will reflect on his ideas on utilitarian to make a response to the issue. I will approach the man to discuss this issue even if I have to lose my job but make sure I have relieved the pain the female workers are going through and increase their pleasure while working with that man (Sandel 31). I will explain to him that, as a politician, he has to maximize the overall welfare of the population including his workers.
I will also apply the libertarians approach, as I believe every worker has individual rights to encourage the affected female workers. I will advise them to take an action of either leaving the internship as they have freedom of choice and voluntary association. I will let them know that the basis of justice is their individual freedom. I will advise them to leave working with the politician and look jobs at other places to preserve their dignity. They should understand that they are core protectors of their individual rights and not the government. I will explain to the affected workers that they should make wise decisions on this issue, as they are responsible for their actions. They have to focus on their dignity. I will also explain to them that the society or the government are not only grant their rights but they should be the first to ensure their liberties and lives are secure.
Another action I may take I will consider my understanding of virtue from Sandel’s book. I will organize all the workers to collaborate to protect our rights and security. It is our obligation as workers to cooperate in order to fight for the female workers' rights but we should not remain neutral on this issue and behave as if nothing is happening (Sandel 36). We will agree on the virtues we believe will constitute for the good life for all workers and aim at promoting them. From our collaboration, we will approach the man and address our issues and the virtues we have to decide to promote. Another person in my place may decide to advise the politician on the importance of morality, uprightness, honesty, dignity, and integrity.
From the understanding, I got from Kantian’s philosophy I know that as all people are reasoning beings they are worthy of respect and the employer’s acts of womanizing shows disrespect to the female workers (Sandel 42). I might consider approaching the politician applying Kantian philosophy to ensure the outcome of solving this issue is effective to everyone. I will focus on the outcome to ensure the politician treats all employees with dignity. To emphasize justice in my action I will approach the politician and tell him a truth but in a positive way pretending I do not understand what is happening, not a lie as lying will create an untrustworthy outcome. I will tell him that I have been observing the female workers and I have found that they seem not comfortable working in the organization. I will tell him that I will organize with the other workers to help him investigate the issue to ensure equal dignity in the workplace. I believe that, from the action he will take an action and apologize to the female workers he had already made inappropriate advances and promise them that he will not repeat the action so they should not let the other workers know his behavior. To avoid embarrassment and not to lose respect and support in his candidacy as a politician he will quite the behavior and leading to achievement of dignity in the workplace in an effective way to all parties.
Considering the issue, I might also apply John Rawl’s philosophy to achieve equality. I will not assume the issue but I will consider myself if I was in that situation and stand to adopt principles to protect the female workers. As workers, we will enter into a contract with the employer to guarantee basic freedoms for all of us, only permitting the economic and social inequalities that are good for most of the workers. We will produce a moral responsibility in a natural way where no consent will be required and no one will be harm and treat all workers with respect (Sande...
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