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Medical Public Health HLTH-622: Replies and Rebuttals Replies (Essay Sample)


write an essay about; Medical Public Health HLTH-622: Replies and Rebuttals Replies


Medical Public Health HLTH-622: Replies and Rebuttals Replies
Reply to Tracy Farrell on Nepal
Hello Tracy,
You have a great post on the issues affecting Nepal as a country as far as maternal and health needs are concerned. However, the discussion seems to be too general and covering a wide region contrary to the instruction. The instruction called for an analysis of a rural village in a developing country like Nepal that you have chosen but little was to be said in the country like the demographic and epidemiologic information. Your discussion on maternal and health care needs, in this case, should have been centred in a rural village in the country.
Some of the rural villages that you could have approached towards addressing the maternal and health care needs are Ankhop village in Taplejung District, Bahundangi village in Jhapa district and Amchok village in Ilam district among many others (Kathmandu Valley, Nepal). This approach could have given you a precise approach to the maternal and health care needs as instructed.
In addition to that, the causes of the maternal and health care needs have not been well elaborated to convince somebody with little knowledge about the factors. Listing the causes does little in making the readers to comprehend their effects as far as the issues are concerned. For example, you could substantiate some of the factors if not all to give light to other factors and the possible counter measures that have been deployed by the authorities to deal with the situation competently.
Reply to Emily Schuit
Hello Emily,
You have a nice post that addresses the assignment well in most cases. However, there are some aspects of the assignment that are not addressed to satisfactory. This makes the discussion in some perspective to be general when specific details are required. For instance, little has been touched on the main issue for the discussion that was to be maternal and child mortality and morbidity. On the contrary, you have given plenty of information on the general Kenyan population and the county of Wajir contrary to the instruction that required more emphasis on a small village in a developing country like Kenya (Developing Countries | 2017). Your post could have been more convincing with regard to the instruction if you had pin pointed some of the villages in the county like Liboi, Kulan and Elmi among other (List of Constituencies in Wajir County. 2017).
In addition to your post to the causes of maternal and child mortality and morbidity, you have mentioned water as the cause of malnutrition that consequently leads to causing maternal and child mortality and morbidity. This is a good approach but it is also not comprehensive enough to convince readers. My general take on your post is that it is very okay save for the few areas that you have not addressed with regard to the instructions. Improving the areas give your work an upper hand of being thorough in the issue of discussion as per the laid instructions.
Reply to Victoria Maxwell concerning Sudan
Hello Victoria,
Your choice of South Sudan as a developing country is good given that it is the youngest in the world having got her independence from Sudan. However, there are some areas in addressing the issues that you have not competently addressed and may need some improvement. To start with you need to rearrange your work in a way that it encourages reading through. By this I mean you make use of paragraphs because the single paragraph you have used is discouraging readers, especially when trying come up with the message you have to give (The Importance of Paragraphs in IELTS Writing. | Best IELTS Preparation. 2013). At least make it have paragraphs that stand for specific information.
Secondly, you have talked a lot about the country South Sudan in general without zeroing in on a particular village in the country to have the maternal and health care needs to be addressed (South Sudan - SOS Children's Villages International 2017). Even though you have given clear information on the causes, but this is inadequate with reference as required. Being a war torn region, South Sudan is a place putting the well being of people especially the mothers and children at stake as per my understanding. You have pointed this out in your discussion very well but in addition to that, you have stated acute respiratory infection as the leading cause of death of children under the age of five. In a way, this might come as a contradicting opinion as far as the causes of maternal and health care needs are concerned in the area. Supporting the two stands or merging them reasonably will result to a better understanding of the concept.
My general assessment of your discussion post is very okay except the few areas that I have pointed out. Addressing them appropriately will make your work much better with a lot of convincing points.
Rebuttal for Tracy’s post
The approach taken by Tracy in addressing the question was that general in the first place which was good but in the end, it was supposed to narrow down to a specific village in the country of Nepal. Having pointed out this, the crucial part of the discussion seemed to be wrong in approach. The reason for this is based on the requirement by the instructions that expected specification of the village of concern and explanation on the topic of discussion which was the causes of the maternal and health care needs in the specific village in Nepal as a developing country.
Quoting the requirement from instruction “choose a rural village within a developing country to begin working”. This has been addressed partly by Tracy, where she has successfully picked Nepal as a developing country. On the other hand, however, she has not picked a specific village to address the causes of the maternal and health care needs.
One aspect that she has not addressed is the impact of water and sanitation in relation to the causes of the maternal and health care needs as quoted: “In this course, you will not be addressing water and sanitation issues. You should recognize the impact of these issues, but you will only assess those problems directly responsible for maternal and child morbidity and mortality.” Looking at the situation critically, the region has some element of water and sanitation contributing to the situation.
Rebuttal to Emily Schuit’s post
With reference to the part of the instruction, “...choose a rural village within a developing country to begin working” Emily’s discussion post is having a good first approach as per the instruction by choosing Kenya as a developing country. However, the approach to the question has not been complete when she fails to identify the rural village in the country. This generally renders the remaining big part of the response to the instruction as vague on grounds of being to...
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