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Organizational Culture (Essay Sample)




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Culture simply refers to the beliefs, ideas, customs, traditions, and also the social behavior of a given particular given people, society, and even organization. Most people, the organization usually stick to their beliefs, habits, and customs since they are used to them. Most people find it difficult to change their old ways of doing things and it takes a lot of time for them to change. Culture usually has two mains outsource include be negative and positive. In this case, am going to base my argument on the current company`s culture and three levels of the company`s culture. Also, will tackle the culture that exists in the competing values framework.
Organizational culture refers to the customs, ideas, social, and traditions of a given organization. The different organizations usually have different ways of doing their things, ideas, how they communicate, their building architecture, the company`s festivals, ritual, and ceremony. When you pay a visit to different companies or organizations you will understand that they are doing their ways differently from each other (Alvesson, M. 2012). There is four well known organizational culture including the clan culture, then there is adhocracy culture. Also, market culture marks the third culture that is well known for how an organization markets its product and its techniques of marketing. Then last but not least is the hierarchy culture that defines the traditional corporate structure that separates the management staff and the rest of the subordinate staff.
Though culture may differ from one organization to another they usually have similar characteristics namely; culture is symbolic to organizations, culture is dynamic and integrated into one given organization, and culture share are also learned. The culture to some bit is complex in such a way that it's not easy to comprehend.
In an organization where I work, there are two things I will tackle; the culture of the organization and the three levels of culture in our organization. The culture of our organization beliefs that it’s the work of every individual employee to ensure the organization gets the best (Sutherland, D.

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