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The Health Care Act Which Protects The Rights Of The Patients (Essay Sample)


the task was about the health care act which protects the rights of the patients.


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
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Institutional Affiliation
Healthcare policies are those decisions that are taken so as to achieve a particular goal in the healthcare that is incorporated in the society. A healthcare policy is used to determine the vision of the health industry and also put targets that will serve as a reference tool when making decisions, implementing change and also when taking actions on certain issues. President Barrack Obama introduced The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) which would give the patients the rights and protections and also give affordable healthcare and ensuring that the services are of quality.
When The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted in 2010, anyone who had an insurance or a health plan would continue to work with it if the insurance company was willing to continue providing. Anyone who wanted coverage after the policy was enacted had to follow the given new standards. In June 2010, there was reinsurance of the retiree health benefit plans which would give money to the employee plans which were already in the plan.
In July, a Pre-Existing Condition Insurance plan was designed so that health insurance can be available to everyone despite their backgrounds or disparities in September 2010Medicare. In October 2010, a government website was formed so that people can search about health insurance companies and also the available health care plans. The law was also amended so that the insurers were allowed to include preexisting conditions in the plan's coverage. (Silvers, 2011).
The policy has the goal of ensuring that the citizens can access quality, culturally
Competent healthcare to every American. The Act has brought up issues of ethics of justice where every person is expected to benefit from the policy. The provisions of the policy are usually expected to give quality healthcare for the many where they do not have to sacrifice their basic rights. The value of providing quality healthcare gives the health care providers a responsibility of being ethical and maintaining professionalism where they will ensure that there are efficiency and effectiveness in the healthcare services. There are also issues that surround the people’s freedom of choice so that they are able to choose the type of healthcare services that they need. They will say that the policy that the policy enacts social injustice where the people are not treated with moral equal concern. This is because people have different cultures and also believes that surround the healthcare practices hence by giving a policy that deprives this brings out social-ethical issues. (Sorrell, 2012).
There is a group of Americans that think that the policy disenfranchises them. Most of these are the opposition who nicknamed the policy, Obama care. This is caused by misinterpretation of the law where they think that the government is in control of the healthcare industry. However, the Act tries to provide access and also efficiency in the Providence health care services. They will claim that the government is trying to make personal decisions for them whereas they will be able to have subsidiaries only the fact that there are requirements. There are also claims that the government is spending much which may lead to an increase in the government debts. However, the long-term goals of the Act include lowering the government expenditures by making reasonable goals and target budgets over the long-term period of time. (Sorrell, 2012).
The target population of the policy includes the whole population of the country including children and the elderly. It has ensured that there is a reduction in the number of people who are uninsured. The policy also targets low-income populations who could not afford the insurance plans before the Act was implemented.
The Affordable Care Act was enacted in March 2010 with an aim of increasing the number of Americans who had health insurance. There have been changes that were implemented between 2010 and 2015 which targeted the noninsured population of the elderly. The gains in the coverage have been increasing over the years leaving a minimum population uninsured. Up to 2015 about 19.2 million Americans had gained coverage thus accounting for the change in the size and composition of the population. The Act has been regulated by the government where everyone is expected to have the PCIP coverage. (Silvers, 2011).
When cost effectiveness is improved, there is a quality improvement in the service in question. The policy made changes in the tax policies regarding health care, insurance coverage, affordability and also the access to insurance. Even though the policy is making health care accessible and affordable to all, there are still costs that accrue to it. The policy usually costs $393 for each individual and $1021 for each family that is not receiving any subsidies. These costs have been increasing over the years up to 2017. At the natio...
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