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Persuasive Speech Literature & Language Essay Paper (Essay Sample)


It is a persuasive speech on how volunteering is good to high school students and the society at large


Persuasive Speech
Persuasive Speech
My speech is on the implementation of community work programs in high school. I would like to present the argument that high school students should be required to complete specified hours of volunteering activities before graduation. Some of us may argue that mandating high students to engage in community work is unreasonable. However, in this speech, I will provide convincing justifications for volunteering in high school with a goal of indicating that it is both reasonable and necessary. I will specifically illustrate how volunteering is good to high school students and the society at large.
Reliable survey data published in the American Secondary Education Journal reveals that volunteering enables high school students to develop a sense of life’s meaning and purpose (Jones, 2017). This means that students get motivated to achieve desired life outcomes when they participate in the transformation of the society during the implementation of school volunteering programs. I must add that community service provides young people with opportunities for discovering their strengths and weaknesses. As a result, they are encouraged to improve their skills and to address their weak areas. Note that researchers associate volunteering work with the ability of young people to develop useful skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and leadership. I am convinced that high school students should be required to engage in adequate volunteering activities to allow them to develop a sense of responsibility for their own lives and to their communities.

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