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Role of nures and workaround issues Literature & Language Essay (Essay Sample)


to discuss roles of nurses, examine workaround issues and nurses involvement in implementation of policy and new procedures.


Role Of Nurses And Workflow Issues
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Role Of Nurses In Health Care
Nurses are in charge of patient care by helping patients help in managing physical needs, prevention of illness and health conditions treatments ( Masters,2018). Nurses devote a great deal of assessing and observing patients, helping doctors in creating a plan for care, and perfume the care plan by giving out medication and treatment administration. Nurses sometimes perfume test for diagnostic and interpret the results after taking vitals.
Nurses are also responsible for patient education by ensuring that the patient understands their medical conditions, treatment, and medication to the best of their ability. Apart from patient education, they also have a responsibility of paper working and documentation( Masters,2018) . They note down patients history as well as the current symptoms and every action taken during patient care medication and time to administer treatment.

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