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Study Skills. 3 Journal Entries On Education (Study Skills). (Essay Sample)


The task was to write journal entries for study skills. This sample was about a student's study skills.


3 Journal Entries On Education (Study Skills)
Student's Name
Professor's Name
January 04, 2019
Journal Entry 1:
1. Contrast the surface culture of your most recent educational experience (e.g., high school, another college or university, a trade school) with that of your current school.
Number Of Students In A Class
I previously attended an online university. I attended St. Joseph's College of Maine online, majoring in Master of Science in Education for one academic year. As far as I know, the number of students in this online university's program of study was around 20-25. I got to interact with these students in the online student platform of the university. It was easy to interact with these students as they were not so many. As a result, I was able to form friendships with some of the students in my online classes in St. Joseph's College. I was thereafter admitted in the Master of Science program in Early Childhood Special Education in San Francisco State University in San Francisco, California. I enrolled in this university during the second academic year. I have been attending classes in person for this program of study in San Francisco State University for the past couple of months. The students in my classes in this university are around 40-50 students per class. My classmates in San Francisco State are significantly greater than the number of classmates I had in my online classes in St. Joseph's College. I have only been able to make very few friends with my classmates in San Francisco State University. This has been such the situation because it has been hard to make many new friends in San Francisco State due to the fact that my classmates there are very plenty.

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