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Summary of Roscoe et al. (2019) Journal Article (Essay Sample)

The study aimed to investigate the challenges and knowledge gained from multidisciplinary teamwork, particularly in the context of human systems engineering (HSE). They looked forward to learning more about the nexus between engineering and psychology, especially when it came to solving complex challenges involving both technology and human systems. source..
Summary of Roscoe et al. (2019) Journal Article Student Name: Student Number: Course Name: Date: What the Researcher Expected to Find: The study aimed to investigate the challenges and knowledge gained from multidisciplinary teamwork, particularly in the context of human systems engineering (HSE). They looked forward to learning more about the nexus between engineering and psychology, especially when it came to solving complex challenges involving both technology and human systems. Study Procedure and Important Variables: The study included two-story cases: the first dealt with firefighters' cognitive weariness as first responders, and the second dealt with endoscope reprocessing in hospital settings. The researchers used an interdisciplinary strategy in both instances, assembling teams comprising specialists in programming, psychometrics, biomedical engineering, cognitive science, health psychology, and hospital management. The elements that changed between cases were the independent variables, which included things like endoscope reprocessing methods in medical settings and mental workload in firefighters. Dependent variables included the accuracy of endoscope reprocessing in medical settings, as well as cognitive skills and error rates in firemen. Major Results or Findings of the Study: The researchers created game-based evaluations to investigate cognitive fatigue in first responders and discovered that higher call volumes resulted in more mistakes and slower replies. Actionable modifications, such as building a new fire station, were impacted by these findings. By revising training materials and procedures, the team increased reprocessing accuracy by identifying over 200 stages and design faults for the endoscope reprocessing scenario. Main Conclusions of the Study: The researchers came to the conclusion that addressing difficult societal issues requires the fusion...
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