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Sustainable Business Practices Research Assignment (Essay Sample)
Sustainable Business Practices
Sustainable Business Practices
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The company which has adopted sustainable business practices in their operations is Starbucks. Starbucks is a coffeehouse chain based in America, it was found in 1971 and currently has over 28,000 branches across the world. Over the years, Starbucks has grown to become the most significant coffee agents where they engage suppliers in the communities they operate. The company also encourages coffee farming, the aim being to reach their objective of ethical sourcing of their coffee beans (Kopnina & Blewitt, 2018). This move is influenced by Starbuck belief that they can positively impact the local communities.
Starbucks uses sustainable business practices where they utilize green supply in their stores. Moreover, the company has set out to create green stores in all their branches. The company also promotes fair trade in certified coffee beans. By engaging in the best business activities, Starbucks has been able to make an environmental impact through their positive business practices. As a result, Starbucks has been able to reduce their operating expenses a great deal. Moreover, the company enjoys full support from the farmers.
The company mentions all the three components of the triple bottom line which are: environmental and social responsibility as well as bottom line. These components are essential for business success. The company uses social responsibility as part of their sustainability strategy where the company engages in several initiatives that support both individuals and the society.
By engaging in social responsibility, the company has been able to influence local communities to support their business. Moreover, the company can influence potential clients while retaining existing customers through their social responsibility initiatives...
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