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Wearable user interfaces Literature & Language Essay (Essay Sample)


The task was about wearable user interfaces such as apple watches that can enable one to move with technology and use it to do things such as access internet


Wearable User Interfaces
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Institutional AffiliationIntroduction
In the information technology industry, wearable user interfaces are the next big thing. In fact, consumers are changing their tastes from mobile applications to the use of wearable devices. Think of wearable devices as electronic devices one can wear just like an apparel so that hands are left free with, generally, no restriction on body movements and still use the device whenever one feels like it. In a world full of information, the designing experience of wearables is quite challenging. Devices with wearable user interfaces include Google glasses, Apple watch, and contact lenses. This study primarily purposes to explore the emerging technology of wearable user interfaces in effect.
Sensors, Monitors and Communication of Wearables
Wearables have sensors that play a huge role in monitoring body activities and this explains why technical designers are having the great challenge of embedding devices on wearables such as clothing without causing discomfort to the user. The exponential growth in the manufacture wearables has seen sensor chips not only becoming smaller but cheaper too. The internet of things (IoT) can be considered as a catalyst towards the actualization of wearable user interfaces especially in the health sector (Matcalf, Milliard, Gomez & Schwartz, 2016). IoT defines a technology that can enable wearables to communicate with each other and also to the doctor or a base station. Through IoT, wearables communicate wirelessly through technologies such as Bluetooth which enables the devices to communicate through a short-range WBAN technology which enables integration of sensors between doctors and patients. Thus, the wearables become networked to interact successfully with external systems.
Wearable User Interface in Healthcare

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