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Academic Infarction: (1) unacceptable academic performance (academic probation) (Essay Sample)

Academic Infarction: (1) unacceptable academic performance (academic probation) enter an explanation and include: Part 1: A brief description of the incident Part 2: The specific charge made part 3: Related dates part 4: Consequence part 5: A reflection on the incident and how the incident has impacted your life source..
Academic Infraction: Unacceptable Academic Performance (Academic Probation) Student Full Name Institutional Affiliation Course Full Title Instructor Full Name Due Date Academic Infraction: Unacceptable Academic Performance (Academic Probation) Description of the Incident One instance of academic infraction relates to the beginning of my college career at FGCU in 2001.). I was a young teenage mother still searching for identity. Raising a child as a child affected my studies and led to a GPA below 2.0. As I recall, being a parent at such an age negatively impacted my studies. I could not focus on studying and utilizing the resources available in college. Also, parenting as a teenager affected my mindset as I was concerned for my son and school. My attention was divided between parenting and schooling. The Specific Charge Made The specific charge made by my college related to my low academic performance, as exhibited by my GPA below 2.0. My poor concentration in class and juggling my responsibilities as a young teenage mother instructor negatively affected my grades. I did not utilize college resources effectively, investing much time in parenting and very few hours in my studies. My concentration in class was also irregular. I was too involved in activities that derailed my academic success. Since my cumulative GPA was too low, I was placed on academic probation. Although I was unprepared for probation, it allowed me to reflect on my life and studies. Related Dates The academic infraction occurred in 2001, during my first year at FGCU. I performed poorly and had to take corrective measures during the probation period. Consequence One of the consequences of my academic probation was that I could not progress to the next year. My unsatisfactory academic performance gave me sufficient time to reflect and reconsider my future. I knew that I was responsible for changing the status of my performance. As a young mother, I considered what kind of example I was setting for my son. I wanted to be a role model to the people I loved. So, I had to take charge of things and improve my performance. I decided to work hard and get off the academic probation by taking advantage of college resources. Individually, I raised my commitment to my studies, aiming to be an example to my child. I was...
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