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Scent Marketing (Essay Sample)

The task was to research the use of scent marketing in the healthcare industry, specifically in pediatric dental contexts. The goal was to provide recommendations and methods for implementing scent to enhance patient experiences at a hypothetical pediatric dental center called Burlington Pediatric Dentistry. This required conducting internet or field research on common applications of scent in various industries as well as discovering specific ways that it can be used in healthcare settings. source..
Scent Marketing Students Name Students Id Number Course, Department Instruction Instructor Date Scent Marketing Introduction In today's world, first impressions are often made before a person can speak. How we dress, our body language, and even how we smell can all play a role in how others perceive us. This is especially true in the healthcare setting, where first impressions can have a long-term impact on the health and well-being of patients. In latest years, there has been an increased focus on enhancing the patient experience in healthcare settings. One way of doing this is by creating a more pleasant environment through scent. This report will focus on using fragrance in pediatric dental centers to develop a more positive first impression and encourage return visits. Therefore, this report aims to provide an overview of pediatric dental centers, summarize general scent research findings and direct specific attention toward scent research findings in medical contexts, and identify the recommended scent(s) and method(s) of application. Background City Profile The city of focus is Los Angeles, California. LA is the second most inhabited city in the U.S, with a population of over three million people (Twardowski, 2016). It is the center of a five-county urban area and is reflected as Southern California's cultural, financial, and commercial center. The city is home to different types of people from all over the world, which has helped to create a unique culture. The demographic analysis of the city reveals that the population is diverse and consists of people from various races, ethnic backgrounds, ages, and income levels. The ratio makes up a percentage of different races is as follows: White (Non-Hispanic) (28.5per cent), other (Hispanic) (22.2per cent), White (Hispanic) (20.4per cent), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (11.6per cent), and Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (8.43per cent) (, nd). The charm of Hollywood, Beverly Hills, the Sunset Strip, and the renowned beaches of Santa Monica and Venice all help to make Los Angeles a trendy tourist destination (Twardowski, 2016). Los Angeles residents' lifestyles vary greatly, from the fast-paced lifestyle of those who work in the entertainment industry to the more laid-back lifestyle of those who live in the suburbs. It boasts a thriving economy with many different industries, such as healthcare, technology, fashion, and entertainment. This will provide the best avenue for Burlington Pediatric Dentistry to promote its business. The landscape of Los Angeles is also very diverse, with mountains, forests, desert, and coastline close to each other (Ballatore & De Sabbata, 2020). Besides this, Los Angeles is also home to many different educational institutions, such as the University of California, Los Angeles, and Loyola Marymount University. The city's layout is very spread out, making getting around difficult, especially for those unfamiliar with the area. Traffic is also a significant issue in Los Angeles, as the streets can be congested during peak times. Service Profile A pediatric dental center is a healthcare facility specializing in children's oral care (Cameron & Widmer, 2021). Pediatric dental centers typically provide a wide range of services, including Regular checkups. This entails thoroughly examining the teeth and gums to diagnose any problems. The dentist also cleans the teeth and provides tips for taking care of them. Dental x-rays check for issues that cannot be seen with the naked eye, such as decay between the teeth. Dental fillings are a standard procedure in which a tooth-colored material fills a cavity. Dental sealants are a thin coating applied to the back teeth to help prevent cavities. Dental crowns are a type of restoration used to cover a tooth that is spoiled or decayed (Cameron & Widmer, 2021). Fluoride treatment entails applying fluoride varnish, which helps prevent cavities. Pediatric dental centers also offer various other services, such as teeth whitening, orthodontics, and dental implants. In addition to these services, pediatric dental centers typically provide educational resources for parents on taking care of their child's teeth. Pediatric dental centers include private practices, hospitals, and community health centers. (Surdu et al., 2019). One or more dentists typically run private practices with their dental hygienists and assistants. These pediatric dental centers usually offer a wide range of services, but they may be more expensive than other pediatric dental centers. Hospitals typically have a dental clinic staffed by dentists who work for the hospital (Chalmers et al., 2018). These clinics usually offer a more limited range of services than private practices, but they may be less expensive. Government agencies or non-profit organizations typically run community health centers. They usually offer a limited range of services, but they may be more affordable than other pediatric dental centers (Cameron & Widmer, 2021). Research and Recommendations Applicable Scent Research Findings The use of scent in medical contexts is a relatively new area of research. However, a few studies have examined scent's impact on various aspects of healthcare (Pradika, 2021). One study found that the smell of lavender essential oil was associated with reductions in anxiety and blood pressure among patients undergoing dental procedures. Another study found that the scent of grapefruit essential oil was associated with reductions in pain and anxiety among patients undergoing breast cancer surgery (Desai et al., 2022). At the same time, some evidence suggests that using citrus scent in medical settings may increase anxiety levels. These studies suggest scent's potential role in reducing anxiety and stress levels among patients undergoing medical procedures. There is also some evidence to indicate that using incense can help improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses (Putrino et al., 2020). One study found that using a specific scent helped doctors correctly diagnose patients with Alzheimer's disease. Also, using a particular scent helped doctors correctly diagnose patients with Parkinson's disease (Desai et al., 2022). These studies suggest that using incense may help improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses. Studies have indicated that scent can play a role in reducing anxiety, pain, and stress in medical contexts. The scent may also help to improve the accuracy of medical diagnosis. These findings suggest a potential role for scent in medical settings. Therefore, ambient Scenting in hospitals and clinics is vital to provide a calm and relaxing environment for patients, staff, and visitors (Pradika, 2021). Recommended Scent(s) and Method(s) of Application There are a few different ways that hospitals can implement ambient scenting. At Burlington Pediatric Dentistry, we recommend using a diffuser with essential oils (Air-Scent, 2020). This diffuser can be placed in the waiting room, treatment room, or any other hospital area where patients, staff, and visitors are likely to be. The essential oils can be changed regularly to provide a variety of scents and benefits. Some of the essential oils that we recommend using in hospital settings are lavender, grapefruit, and citrus (Pradika, 2021). These essential oils have been shown to have a calming and relaxing effect on patients, staff, and visitors. Another recommended scent is vanilla, which is highly effective at reducing anxiety and claustrophobia in MRI facilities. It helps calm patients before medical surgeries and dental procedures. This can be applied using a diffuser with essential oils, spraying the vanilla extract on fabrics, or using a vanilla-scented candle (Air-Scent, 2020). Conclusion In conclusion, ambient scenting in hospitals and clinics is vital to provide ...
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