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Addressing Incivility, Bullying, and Workplace Violence in Nursing Profession (Essay Sample)

This reflection essay EXPLORES THE IMPACTS of Incivility, bullying, and workplace violence on the nursing job. The discussion emphasizes on the financial consequences, RN health, patient safety, and career consequences of nurses. IN Addition, the paper recommends interventions necessary to address and mitigate negative practices that healthcare professionals such as nurses are exposed to while at work. source..
Addressing Incivility, Bullying, and Workplace Violence in Nursing Profession Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor Date Addressing Incivility, Bullying, and Workplace Violence in Nursing Profession Incivility, bullying, and workplace violence issues have increased in the nursing profession, leading to significant challenges for both individual nurses and the general healthcare systems. Events in nursing practice where tension is high, and emotions boil over might increase workplace incivility in nursing. The problems of incivility, violence, and bullying in the nursing profession are severe and might be done from patient to nurse but, more importantly, among nurses themselves. A 2021 study provided that nurses in an hour report assaults in the acute care setting with only 20-60% reported incidence (Bernardes et al., 2021). This reflection essay delves into the detrimental effects of such behaviors on the nursing job, emphasizing financial consequences, RN health, patient safety, and career consequences. Moreover, this reflection paper aims to devise recommended interventions necessary to address and mitigate these issues and improve nursing practices. Incivility The ANA defines "incivility" as any act that reflects the system of rudeness and impolite acts, nattering and diffusion gossips, and declining to support a colleague. All of these acts are outrage of a colleague and violate professional values of respect (ANA Position Statement, 2015). These actions also consist of name-calling, by means of a patronizing tone, and articulating public condemnation. The adverse impacts of such actions can be substantial and broad and affect not just the targeted individuals but also eyewitnesses, stakeholders, peers, and general organizations. If incivility is not addressed effectively, it might develop into threatening problems or violence. Uncivil behaviors include nonverbal abuse, verbal abuse, passive-aggressive behavior, and sexual harassment. Studies show that incivility is mainly shaped by expressively irritating communications due to unsuitable representation of annoyance and pain, stiffness, occupational insecurity, heavy job, and absence of communication, among others (Atashzadeh et al., 2021). As a result of the high occurrence of such uncivil behaviors, particularly of the verbal type, nursing administrators must classify risk factors in the work setting that exacerbate such behaviors. Bullying ANA defines bullying as constant, unwanted, adverse actions meant to embarrass, upset, and cause distress in the receiver. Research shows that nurse victimization surfaces in nearly all care locations and units, from the executive suite to the patient floor (Edmonson & Zelonka, 2019). About 60% of nurse managers in 2018 research agree to have encountered workplace bullying, and 26% agreed that bullying is severe. Actions that relate to bullying include that that harm, degrade, and undermine people (Hampton et al., 2019). These actions comprise, but are not restricted to, antagonistic comments, oral attacks, intimidations, terrorization, and suppression of support. Bullying activities happen with more occurrence and strength than those activities labelled as insulting (ANA Position Statement, 2015). They display severe concerns about the health and safety of the patient and caregivers, which might lead to lasting physical and psychological challenges for the targets. This exploration sheds light on the necessary action nurses and shareholders require to enthusiastically work to transform the culture and recognize that such acts has no place in healthcare setting. Workplace Violence Workplace violence is a universal public health issue of increasing greatness, which has been gradually deliberate as a result of its instant and longstanding influence on employee health. There is no agreement on the explanation of workplace violence. However, the Professional Issue Panel describes workplace violence as physical and psychological detrimental activities that surface in the workplace or while in practice (ANA Position Statement, 2015). Some refer to it as prevalent, which, from a public health viewpoint, means specific settings, such as emergency departments, nursing homes, psychiatric hospitals, and others (Bernardes et al., 2021). Even though violence affects every occupation, it is believed to be more prevalent in the healthcare sector as a result of work-related features, such as long working hours, work shifts, regular contact with death, and the absence of human resources. Such intricacies call for immediate action to address the challenges facing nursing professions, causing workplace violence. Detrimental Effects of Nursing Profession Incivility, bullying, and workplace violence can pose adverse financial consequences for healthcare organizations. For instance, high turnover rates among nursing employees, increased absenteeism, and the cost of recruiting and training new nurses might lead to considerable financial burdens (ANA Position Statement, 2015). Moreover, the legal implication of such acts, including workplace violence, might lead to hearing expenses and damage the reputation of healthcare institutions, leading to possible loss of revenue. Nursing professionals exposed to incivility and bullying mostly experience adverse health effects, physical and mental. Chronic stress, depression, and anxiety can be exposed, leading to burnout and decreased job satisfaction (ANA Position Statement, 2015). The effect of workplace violence on the mental health of nurses is especially concerning, as it can lead to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other long-term psychological consequences. Nurses' compromised health affects their general safety and delays their capability to offer quality patient care. The connection between workplace abuse and compromised patient safety is well-established. Nurses who experience incivility or bullying might be distracted, emotionally distressed, or discouraged, negatively affecting their capability to emphasize patient care (ANA Position Statement, 2015). In due course, incivility and workplace violence pose a direct risk to patient safety and the quality of healthcare practice. Moreover, experiencing bullying, incivility, or workplace violence might cause problems in professional growth and affect career development for nurses. For instance, a toxic setting might depress nurses from following continuing education opportunities or taking on leadership roles (ANA Position Statement, 2015). The adverse effect on career development affects nurses and reduces the nursing employees' general quality. Furthermore, the nursing profession might face difficulties attracting and retaining talented people if workplace mistreatment still needs to be addressed. Recommendations With the higher rates of incivility, bullying, and workplace violence, there is a need for further recommendations to improve workplace culture that is free from factors that support these behaviors. Supporting a workplace culture that is supportive and inclusive for nurses is crucial to preventing issues of bullying and incivility in the workplace. Provision 1.5 of the ANA Code of Ethics needs nurses to treat their coworkers, learners, and healthcare stakeholders with self-respect and admiration (ANA Position Statement, 2015). Leaders must emphasize open communicati...
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