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Case Management W8 (Essay Sample)

What are some questions for the client that you might consider adding to the process of information-collecting? What might be some specific and useful questions to ask a client in 2024? Maybe something specific to living in this region of the country (perhaps from a cultural standpoint?) Or something more general that has impacted many of us as a product of this moment in history? I'd love to hear your questions for clients and please provide a rationale as to why this question could be useful to you as a case manager. This discussion response requires a minimum of 250 words. Thanks! source..
Case Management W8 Name Course Institution Professor Date Case Management W8 In which the current economic climate impacted your everyday life and your income? Rationale: Some of the recent changes that have affected the economic systems include inflation, changes in employment opportunities, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. It assists in recognizing the client's economic pressures, as well as in presenting the relevant financial assistance and counseling. Would you elaborate on any community or cultural ties that you have? Rationale: This question assists in identifying the client’s social resources and cultural identity since individuals’ emotional and social needs are critical for mental health. It also enhances the provision of culturally acceptable services. Any changes or challenges with health care or other services over the last few months or last year? Rationale: This question assists in identifying if the client is facing any challenges that may be provided by these systems and the extent to which the client can be assisted in dealing with these systems. Have there been any specific stressors, or things that cause anxiety for you, that have developed in the last few years? Rationale: The last several years have seen unprecedented crises, such as the COVID-19 outbreak, the fight for equality, and climate change. This allows the determination of new or increasing stressors in the process of formulating coping strategies and mental care. How does your LOCAL community affect your feeling of belonging and support? Rationale: This question is focused on assessing the client's interaction with the community environment that they are in and which can impact their mental health. It also helps in identifying resources and support bases for local operations. ...
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