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Advanced Nursing Practice (Essay Sample)

Review the available readings as well as other peer-reviewed literature from the past five years to thoroughly discuss the below topics. Discussion should be between 500-750 words and in APA format with a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles. Respond to at least two of your peers with a minimum of 100 words per response. Discuss components of a business plan including: a financial plan, marketing plan, and strategic analysis of industry needs. Explain how your position is financially justified – revenue generating, saving, or an expense that improves quality or service specific to a clinical area that interests you. Quickly look at the need/use of NPs in your practice area. Is there growth? Is there a marketing plan? Could there be? Would it help the patients or practice? source..
Acute Care Nursing Practice Student's Name University Affiliation Professor's Name Course Title Due Date Acute Care Nursing Practice A business plan has different components that address various industry needs. The financial plan includes diverse issues relating to finance. These issues include a projection of revenues, an estimation of expenses, and an analysis of profits. In addition, the financial plan also includes strategies for budgeting and managing cash flow. On the other hand, a marketing plan forecasts consumer dynamics. This plan navigates market trends, potential competition, and consumer preferences (Cleverley et al., 2023). In addition, it outlines the methods to be used to reach potential customers. It is essential to have an effective market plan for organizational success. The strategic analysis of the industry involves identifying strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and strengths. This analysis also considers regulatory frameworks as well as emerging technologies. A proper strategic analysis helps an organization remain relevant and competitive. The financial justification for my position lies in its multifaceted contributions to the healthcare ecosystem. Lowering costs and improving the quality of care are key priorities for modern health organizations (Liego et al., 2014). Consequently, any role employed within these organizations must contribute to these goals. There are several ways in which the role of an acute nursing practitioner can be financially justified. First, the role generates revenue through billable services. In this case, some examples of billable services are patient assessment and consultation (Munro, 2013). In addition to revenue generation, the role also contributes to immense savings. These savings are obtained through such measures as reduced hospital readmissions and prevention of complications. Further, advanced nursing practitioners significantly enhance the quality of care, increasing patient satisfaction. With increased patient satisfaction, a healthcare organization attracts more people, leading to more revenue. Nursing practitioners play an essential role in meeting the ever-evolving demands of acute care settings. They are specially trained to address the complex care needs of patients. Consequently, nursing practitioners are indispensable in this practice role. They help conduct comprehensive assessments and diagnose acute and chronic conditions (Austin et al., 2021). NPs also greatly help in the management of the diagnosed conditions. Another thing that makes them indispensable is their ability to ensure seamless transitions. In contemporary society, there has been a proliferation of chronic conditions and an aging population. NPs are crucial in ensuring that this population is taken well care of. This proliferation has also increased the demand for NPs. Traditionally, acute care practices have been geared toward delivering high-quality medical care. Therefore, there hasn’t been a marketing plan for the most part. There is a need for a marketing plan considering the critical role played by acute nursing practitioners. An effective marketing plan would help enhance the visibility of these professionals as well as increase patient engagement. Various marketing channels can be used t...
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