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Palliative and End-of-Life Care (Essay Sample)

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for basic knowledge and understanding of different faith expressions. No matter what someone's worldview is, death and dying is a difficult experience whether emotions are expressed or not. For the purpose of this assignment, the focus will be on the Christian worldview. Read the "Case Study: End-of-Life Decisions" document or one provided by your instructor. Based on the reading of the case, the Christian worldview, and the worldview questions presented in the required topic Resources, you will complete an ethical analysis of situation of the individual(s) and their decisions from the perspective of the Christian worldview. Based on your reading of "Case Study: End-of-Life Decisions" document (or one provided by your instructor) and topic Resources, complete the "Death and Dying: Case Analysis" document in a maximum of 2,000 words, in which you will analyze the case study in relation to the following: • Christian view of the fallen world and the hope of resurrection • Christian worldview of the value of life • Christian worldview of suffering • Empathy for the individual(s) as they are supported and cared, actions, and their consequences • Respect for the perspectives of individual(s) different from personal and professional values, conscious and unconscious biases related to human rights in health care practice, actions, and their consequences • Personal decision-making based on personal worldview Support your response using only the following Topic 4 Resources: • Chapter 4 from the textbook Practicing Dignity: An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision-Making in Health Care • "Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Theological and Ethical Responses" • "Always Care, Never Kill: How Physician-Assisted Suicide Endangers the Weak, Corrupts Medicine, Compromises the Family, and Violates Human Dignity and Equality" While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance. American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education This assignment aligns with AACN Core Competencies 9.1, 9.2, 9.6 source..
Death and Dying: Case Analysis After reading the "Case Study: End-of-Life Decisions" document (or one provided by your instructor) and topic Resources, respond to the following, using only citations from the case and other topic Resources: 1 Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 300-400 words, how might the individual(s) interpret their suffering in light of the Christian view of the fallen world and the hope of resurrection? The Christian worldview postulates that pain is a consequence of sin entering the world. When sin entered the world through Adam, it led to the separation between man and God. This concept is referred to as the fall of man. According to Christian theology, people are naturally predisposed to suffering due to the consequent separation of man from God that occurred after the fall. The suffering Geroge is going through should not be blamed on him but can be viewed as something that happens to him due to living in a fallen world. However, despite being predisposed to suffering there is hope for Christians in the resurrection. After the resurrection, all suffering will cease. George may interpret his suffering as a result of living in a world where imperfections exist. He may find hope in the ultimate promise of healing and wholeness when that will be eternal. Dealing with the prospect of deteriorating conditions is not easy (Anderson, 2015). However, the promise that the suffering will end may help put a smile on George despite the difficult circumstances he finds himself in. In addition, Christians support one another, especially those going through various forms of suffering. The support comes through prayers and acts of service. It also manifests through fellowship and encouragement. George could find comfort and solace from the church community which may help him know that he is not alone in the struggle. The church community's support will likely provide critical support to Geroge and help him find meaning and purpose despite the prevailing conditions. Additionally, the Christian community shares hope in the resurrection and is likely to make George feel confident that the suffering he is going through is in no way the end of him. Although Geoge may receive immense support and encouragement from the Christian community, his interpretation of his suffering will be deeply personal. It is important to note that this interpretation may evolve as the realities of his diagnosis evolve. Suppose he grounds his experience in the hope of resurrection and the support of the Christian community. In that case, George is likely to lead a fulfilling life despite the difficult journey with ALS. 2 Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 300-400 words, as the individual(s) must contemplate life with their dilemma, how would the Christian worldview inform their view about the value of life as a person? The Christian worldview places a high value on human life. The worldview considers that a human being is created in the image of God. In addition, every human being has inherent dignity and worth (Sulmasy, 2021). This perspective would likely influence George to consider his life valuable despite the debilitating effects of ALS. The perspective would motivate George to consider his life precious and worthy of care at all times. While it may be hard to do so, proper medical support could help. Spiritual assistance may also help George maintain a high degree of self-value. The Christian worldview also postulates that suffering is an opportunity for spiritual transformation. The worldview suggests that suffering presents an opportunity to shift the focus from the hustles of everyday life and spend more time in God’s presence. Spending more time in God’s presence may mean praying, reading the Bible, engaging in Christian fellowship activities, etc. Therefore, instead of focusing on the physical limitations that may come with ALS, George could choose to see his condition as an opportunity for deeper introspection and reliance on God’s grace. This approach will likely uplift his heart and provide joy amid suffering. Additionally, the Christian worldview views everyone as a member of the body of Christ. Every person is considered important in shared faith and the hope for redemption. The concept of members of the body of Christ suggests that just as each different part of the body is essential for the ultimate functioning of the body, so is each Christian. Each Christian is necessary for the edification of other members. Therefore, although George is suffering, he is still an important member of the Christian community according to the Christian worldview. George could find value in knowing he is an essential member of the body of Christ. This understanding would help him find strength and purpose amid the prevailing challenges. 3 Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 300-400 words, how does the concept of suffering in a Christian worldview inform their deliberations about the choices they will make? In the Christian worldview, suffering is seen as having meaning and purpose. For example, suffering is often interpreted as an opportunity for growth and drawing nearer to God. The Christian worldview postulates that one should not give up during suffering but rather seek the good things likely to come out of it (Sulmasy, 2021). In George’s case, decisions should be made from this framework. He should consider seeking meaning and purpose even while suffering. Someone with a sense of meaning and purpose will have a reason to look forward to the next day with confidence despite what they are going through. The Christian worldview also advocates for compassion. George could view his condition as an opportunity to be more compassionate to others. For instance, he may view it as an opportunity to spend more time with his family. In addition, he may start a journey of gaining a deeper understanding of his humanity and the importance of depending on God’s grace. The Christian worldview postulates that it is the grace of God that sustains us. George could learn to trust more in God’s grace, knowing God has the best plan for his life. Trusting in God’s grace would help lighten George’s heart and increase his hope, for he will know that everything is working together for his good. The Christian worldview also views the human body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Consequently, every Christian is encouraged to take good care of their body. Taking care spans from ensuring physical wellness to emotional and spiritual wellness (Sulmasy, 2021). At no point does the Christian worldview envision a situation where one would decide to end their own life. Ending one’s life would amount to destroying the dwelling of the Holy Spirit of God. Therefore, this view would most likely help inform George about euthanasia. If he were to follow the Christian worldview, he would decide against voluntary euthanasia. Instead, he would trust and choose to preserve life and take care of the temple of the Holy Spirit. 4 Based on the case and other topic Resources, in 150-200 words, how would you be able to come alongside and demonstrate empathy for the individual(s) as you support and care for them? Reflect on your actions and their consequences. There are several ways to demonstrate empathy to George. One is to engage in active listening. I would also validate his feelings/ experiences and offer emotional support as necessary. Some ways to provide support are connecting him to support groups or being present during his time of need. Showing compassion is one way to make a person feel loved. Compassionate deeds could help alleviate George’s sense of isolation and despair. I would also endeavor to create a safe and supportive space for George to express himself authentically. Creating such a space fosters trust and rapport, which are effective ways of providing caregiving. In addition, I could demonstrate empathy to George by offering practical assistance. This form of assistance ...
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