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ARTICLE ANALYSIS. Health, Medicine, Nursing Assignment (Essay Sample)


Part 2 of the Final Exam, WSJ Article Analysis counts 10 Points.
WSJ Article: IBM Has a Watson Dilemma: Big Blue promised its AI platform would
be a big step forward in treating cancer. But after pouring billions into the project,
the diagnosis is gloomy by Daniela Hernandez and Ted Greenwald, Aug 11, 2018.
WSJ Article PDF file is attached OR can be accessed using the following link with a
WSJ membership.
WSJ Article Link:
1. Review the WSJ article provided and answer both question 1 and question 2. As a guideline, your
response should be about 1 to 2 paragraphs in length.
2. Be sure to label each question in your response (Question 1 and Question 2).
Question 1: Why is Watson unsuccessful in helping make medical decisions?
125 words
Question 2: The system was not in clinical use at 11 centers including Cleveland
Clinic, Yale etc. List some possible reasons.125 words


Article Analysis
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Question 1
Watson was unsuccessful in making medical decisions for a number of reasons. One of the reasons is inadequate data of rare and recurring cancer cases. In addition, Watson experiences a great challenge in making medical decisions since his human trainers are updating slowly the system of treating cancer. Another reason could be the difficulty in recommending a personal cancer treatment since the medical softwares does not have the ability to retrieve a patient’s historical data from a database of different companies which is also stored in different formats. 

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