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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Article Review (Essay Sample)

The student was to select one current, qualitative or mixed methods scholarly nursing article related to their PICOT question and determine its strengths, limitations, and potential application. The picot question was "In adults with hypertension (P), what is the effect of telemonitoring blood pressure (I) , in comparison to yearly follow ups (C), affect blood pressure control (O), within one year of initiation of the medication (T)". source..
Telemedicine in Hypertension Management Student’s Name Name of the Institution Course Name & Number Professor’s Name Due Date Telemedicine in Hypertension Management Telemedicine has become useful in hypertension management breaking most perceived barriers to effective care delivery. A study by Teo et al. (2023) evaluated the experiences of care providers and patients along with their perceived barriers and facilitators during the implementation and use of technology-enabled blood pressure monitoring. This was qualitative research that was part of a pilot trial. The study’s sample included 13 patients and eight healthcare professionals who were selected purposively. They were invited via phone calls to participate in the research. Participating patients were either in the previous pilot trial or were hypertension patients using telehealth to monitor their condition. Equally, the selected healthcare professionals were involved in the implementation and use of telemonitoring technologies. The study employed semi-structured interviews in English and Mandarin. The interviews were audio-recorded and later transcribed to allow effective inductive data analysis. The findings revealed that using telemonitoring technologies in hypertensive patients was convenient, improved the nurse-patient relationship, encouraged of regular blood pressure monitoring, improved self-management, and reassured patients that they were being monitored. This study’s primary strength is that it was conducted following a prior pilot study giving in-depth insights into the significance of telemedicine in managing hypertension. However, the study was limited in scope as it focused on pat...
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