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Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) (Essay Sample)

Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Describe and analyze the professional aspects of the organization as noted above. Address all of the questions/criteria to ensure your assignment meets all the criteria for this assignment. Mission and Members: What is the stated purpose/mission/goal(s) of the organization? What is the shared interest of the members of the organization? Is this focus a clinical, cultural, religious, or professional interest? Who is eligible for membership? Be specific. Are there any minimum requirements? May non-nurses or non-RNs be members? Does this organization meet locally? If so, where/when? Organizational Activities: What services, activities, and support does the organization offer its members? What are the organization’s legislative priorities and political positions? Does the organization offer any type of professional certification? If so, what is it? Describe one publication the organization sponsors. If the publication is a journal, cite one recent article, be sure to include the title and author of the article; if it is another type of publication cite the publication itself. Professionalism: How does the organization promote the professional development of the members? How does the organization work to promote the professional stature (quality or status) of nursing? What are the educational, professional and experiential credentials of the president of the organization? How does she/he convey the image of the nurse as a professional? What else might the organization do to promote professionalism? Would you join or encourage other nurses to do so? Why or why not? Are you a member of/attend this organization or any other? Be specific. If not, why not? Guidelines The paper should be no more than 3 pages in length (excluding the title page and references). Do not exceed the page limit. Content exceeding the 3 page limit will not be graded. The paper must start with an introductory paragraph and end with a conclusion. Students must use the APA book as a guide when writing. Use headings, if there is room on the paper. source..
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Student’s Name Department, School Course Professor’s Name Due Date Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Associations or professional organizations are essential in contemporary society because they help advance certain professions and support various interests of individuals or members working in a given profession. AWHONN is one of the professional organizations and a leader in the United States nursing organizations that represents over 350,000 (AWHONN, 2022). Moreover, AWHONN has remained committed to achieving its mission and commitments to members while promoting newborns' and women's health. AWHONN is lauded for its capacity to utilize research, legislative programs, collaborations with other organizations, and evidence-based practice resources to improve service delivery (AWHONN, 2021; Abushaikha, Edwards & Cesario, 2021). Thus, AWHONN's key aspects, such as mission and members, activities, and professionalism, are essential to understanding its role and benefits in American society. Mission and Members AWHONN aims to bolster and advance the healthcare of newborns and women. The organization achieves its purpose via research and advocacy professionals who advocate for infants' and women's needs (Simpson et al., 2019). The organization's mission "is to empower and support nurses caring for women, newborns, and their families through research, education, and advocacy” (AWHONN, 2021). The organization has various strategic goals, including promoting inclusion and diversity and creating awareness about various challenges nurses face. The organizations' members include nursing students, registered nurses, certified nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare providers (AWHONN, 2021; Abushaikha, Edwards & Cesario, 2021). Hence, the shared interest of members in the organization is clinical. All organization members must be working in a healthcare setting that is involved in education and patient care, focusing on women and newborn issues. The minimum requirements for becoming a member within AWHONN is paying the required membership fees, and one must be working as a healthcare provider or studying nursing and related healthcare programs (AWHONN, 2021). Therefore, non-nurses or non-registered nurses cannot be members of the organization. Finally, the organization meets locally, and members can meet in any state at conventional centers such as Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center. Organizational Activities AWHONN offers multiple services, activities, and support, including promoting the health of newborns and women. The organization also strengthens the nursing profession by supporting research education and advocacy. Furthermore, the organizations’ legislative priority is to ensure superior and strong nursing representation, advocate for equal access to quality healthcare services, and improve outcomes (AWHONN, 2021; Abushaikha, Edwards & Cesario, 2021). AWHONN supports coalitions that advocate for better patient care, nursing education, and research. According to AWHONN (2021), the organization offers two professional certifications, which include the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) and Fetal Heart Monitoring (FHM). The organization sponsors the “Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing” articles published by Elsevier Inc. A study by Robinson et al. (2022) titled “Cross-Sectional Study of the Frequency and Severity of Traumatic Childbirth Events and How They Affect Maternity Care Clinicians” is among the articles AWHONN has sponsored. Professionalism Professional development is an essential and critical component within the organization as it aims to strengthen the nursing profession and promote newborn and women's health. AWHONN promotes professional development by allowing all registered members access to the organization's journal articles and free educational tools and resources (AWHONN, 2021). The organization also allows full members to access leadership roles among registered nurses. AWHONN also allows members to participate in different volunteering activities and research programs. The organization also offers awards, scholarships, and grants for eligible members to enhance their professional and academic initiatives. The organization uses the Quality Caring Model framework to promote professional stature (Simpson et al., 2019). The organization's president, Sandra K. Cesario, is a woman's health specialist, and she has forty years of experience in policy development, research, education, and clinical health. Also, the president is a Ph.D. program director and a professor. The president's qualifications and experience set a standard that nurses must ...
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