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Avoid Junk Food (Essay Sample)

The paper illustrates in detail on the relevance of staying away from junk food as a way of keeping oneself healthy. source..
Avoid Junk Food Name Institution Why Eat Junk Food? Introduction All those foods that are prepared quickly either by deep frying or baking and they have less or no fibre are what we call junk foods.Junk food has little or no nutritional or healthy benefits to our bodies. It is high in fats, sugar, salt and calories. Consumption of these foods leads to obesity which predisposes our body to development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure and even cancer. It is therefore important to pay attention to my speech because it will help you to avoid health complications that arise from our eating habits. Many people are in the hospital right now but they don’t know how they contributed to the condition they are suffering from. If we listen very careful, it may be a turning point from being the next victim. Body Main point Junk foods is not nutritious and do not give any nutritional or healthy benefits to our body (Hedrick 2013) Major sub-point Junk food is high in fats, sugar, salt and calories and little in fibre, vitamins and proteins (Gleaves & Cassell, 2009) [Next I am going to tell you how these constituents of major junk foods affect our bodies. When you eat junk foods, they contain a lot of fats, sat, sugar and calories. These compounds are known to cause harm to the body more than good. For example, the fat, sugar and calories when consumed in high amounts will eventually lead to development of obesity. An obese person has increased risk of developing various health problems. These can include type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, gallstones and most important, heart diseases. The salt that is always in high amount has the potential to cause high blood pressure. ] Main point Junk food are lacking in fibre because most of them are prepared from sifted flours (Pinel, 2010) Major sub-point They are highly polished or refined foods hence taking a very short time to be digested and to be absorbed (Hedrick, 2013) [Eating food rich in fibre not only helping to reduce the chances of constipation through providing the bulk in the diet that aid the movement of food through the gut but also help food to take longer time to digest hence makes one to feel full for a longer time and thus eat less food. Eating frequently has the risk of adding weight because excess fats, sugar and calories are converted into fats and stored in the body. Furthermore, high fibre foods are also found to lower blood glucose and thus prevent conversion of excessive glucose into fat which when stored in the body leads to weight gain.] Major point Eating junk food can lead to development of cancer and other diseases (Kopelman, 2000) Major sub-point Junk food are mostly prepared using cooking methods such as frying or baking and this methods have been found to cause development of carcinogenic compounds such as Acrylamide(Kita, Brathen, Knutsen & Wicklund, 2004). [Acrylamide is formed when starchy foods are cooked using high temperatures. Acrylamide has been found in certain foods which has been prepared using deep frying and also baking, high levels of this compound has been found junk foods such as potato chips, French fries, and other food products produced by high-temperature cooking. Studies show that Acrylamide has potential in causing several cancers of oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, larynx, large bowel, kidney, breast, and ovary] Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be seen clearly that what we think as food and even grave for, can be the greatest source of our suffering. Junk foods pose great danger to our health than terror from al-Qaida. Every time you want to buy those French fries, potato chips, and other junk foods that you like you should stop and think about what you really want for your life. Nutri...
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