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Caring for a Mexican who is Catholic (Essay Sample)

This task is about care provision to a catholic patient. Providing care to people from diverse cultural and religious settings is a crucial aspect of healthcare practice. This essay explores the clients' background, the role of nurses, preventive care measures, cultural and spiritual sensitivity, dietary considerations, and the adjustments made to adhere to the client's exclusive needs while preserving HIPAA compliance. The discussion explores important elements that healthcare professionals such as nurses should consider while providing care to people from different cultural and religious backgrounds. source..
Caring for a Mexican who is Catholic Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Class Professor Date Caring for a Mexican who is Catholic Providing care to people from diverse cultural and religious settings is a crucial aspect of healthcare practice. This case involves my experience delivering healthcare services to a Mexican patient who is a believer and a devout Catholic. In most cases, healthcare providers who address such cases have to respect and acknowledge the cultural and spiritual beliefs of their patients to make sure they provide holistic care that aligns with their needs and values. This essay explores the clients' background, the role of nurses, preventive care measures, cultural and spiritual sensitivity, dietary considerations, and the adjustments made to adhere to the client's exclusive needs while preserving HIPAA compliance. Background of the Client The patient I cared for was a 43-year-old Hispanic male. The patient was in hospital for back surgery and was already recovering. He is a devout Catholic and heavily rooted in his belief, regularly attending church and looking for solace through prayer. The patient came to the U.S. from Mexico years ago while still in his youth. Alongside him was also his wife at the bedside. She had diabetes, with type 2 diabetes. She is also a Catholic believer. This family takes their belief in the church seriously, and it plays a crucial role in their lives. In this case, understanding the patients’ background, cultural identity, and religious beliefs will be crucial to providing them with personalized and culturally competent care. Role of Professional Nursing Being a professional nurse, it is my responsibility to offer comprehensive and compassionate care that respects the patient's cultural and spiritual beliefs. Research shows that cultural competence not only reflects a moral and ethical imperative but also a legal requirement (Swihart et al., 2018). Therefore, while providing care to my patients, I ensured that the HIPAA regulations that emphasize ensuring the confidentiality of patient information are adhered to. Nevertheless, in the case of my two patients, it is similarly significant to respect their cultural and religious inclinations. This comprises acknowledging that spiritual well-being is an essential aspect of their physical health. Preventive Care and Cultural Sensitivity As a nurse profession, it is important to understand an individual's culture and spiritual beliefs, such as medical beliefs, dietary habits, and social norms, among others (Dragomanovich & Shubrook, 2021). This knowledge is crucial to help my two patients to manage their diabetes effectively. For instance, in my case, I decided to work closely with a Spanish-speaking interpreter to describe the significance of avoiding a sedentary lifestyle for an efficient recovery from back surgery. In the case of my diabetic patient, the interpreter was able to explain the significance of constant blood sugar monitoring, compliance with medication, and a balanced diet. I ensured that all information provided considered his cultural and religious practices when explaining the importance of dietary modification. For instance, we discussed how my 43-year-old patient could avoid bending, twisting, pushing, and pulling. We informed him to ensure he is not putting any strain on his spine as it heals. For my diabetic patient, we discussed how she could maintain a healthy diet while still honoring her traditional Mexican food preference, including integrating more vegetables and lean proteins into her meals and reducing the consumption of sugary beverages and fried foods. To meet her needs, I had to inquire about her religious preferences and ensure she had access to religious text, prayers, and a chance to attend church services when appropriate. Dietary Adjustments This was a crucial part of my diabetic patient. Understanding the patient's cultural and religious beliefs about their foods is a crucial aspect of making dietary adjustments. Since she is a devout Catholic, she observes meatless Lent Fridays and other celebrations such as Good Friday and Ash Wednesday. These dietary restrictions apply to all devout over the age of 14 years to abstain from eating meat (Chouraqui et al., 2021). Therefore, durin...
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