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Classical versus Operant Conditioning (Essay Sample)


In this essay, you will demonstrate your understanding of classical and operant conditioning through application and comparison. You are provided two separate cases. In your own words, explain them and follow the instructions. Follow the directions below and write a single, cohesive essay that is a minimum of 500 words. Use complete sentences and correct grammar and spelling. Use APA formatting to cite resources appropriately. Consider the following example of classical conditioning. In your own words, explain why this is an example of classical conditioning and how Antonio′s learned behavior in this scenario differs from behaviors considered to be innate. Be sure to define classical conditioning and identify the US, UR, CR, NS, and CS in this scenario as appropriate. When Antonio was seven years old, he got a very bad case of the flu and ended up being hospitalized. Although he recovered without any complications, he notices that he begins to feel sick to his stomach any time he passes by or must visit the hospital where he was previously treated. Next, consider the following example of operant conditioning. In your ow words, explain why this is an example of operant conditioning and follow the instructions. In most primary and secondary schools, students are often assigned grades based on an evaluation of their knowledge and behaviors and given quarterly assessments to mark their progress and areas for improvement. Complete this scenario by describing examples of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment for students. Also, students learn more than what (satisfaction and needs improvement/ A-F grades) represent on their report cards. Explain how operant conditioning or observational learning can contribute to additional learning. Finally, in your concluding paragraph, compare both methods of conditioning and discuss how they are similar and different. We don′t need to cite outside resources at all
apa, but he's not super touchy about it. We don't need any outside sources at all


Classical versus Operant Conditioning
Classical conditioning involves two stimuli connected together to produce a newly learned response for a human being or an animal. In Antonio's scenario, the hospital is considered to be a neutral stimulus as there was no response created in him before he got the flu and decided to visit the hospital. Nevertheless, the flu he had unconditioned stimuli evoked an unpleasant feeling that is considered to be unconditional and is naturally evoking the response.
Upon being hospitalized, Antonio started to associate the hospital with his condition of sickness such that every time he passed there, he started to have a stomachache. Thus the hospital's initial state of neutral stimuli changed position and became conditioned stimuli to respond to the stomachache. Classical conditioning involves a learning process whereby the participants study through the association of the stimuli to new responses which have a natural occurrence to the other stimuli. For Instance, Antonio learned to indicate the association to the hospital to have a feeling that is not amusing.
The unconditional stimuli enhance natural responses, while the unconditional response does occur without having any link. For example, whenever we see a delicious meal, our mouths start to water as the unconditioned stimulus elicits the unconditioned response.
In operant conditioning, a person is able to learn through the process of reinforcement, or it may involve a punishment from the atmosphere. The argument is that the environmental conditions our behaviors are in. The scenario whereby the students are given their grades and the study habits of the students indicate that there is a behavior and the consequences of the students' actions. Those who study excel and those who are lazy around may not get satisfactory grades. The other instance is that if a learner indicates to have desirable behaviors, they get high grades, and a reward is availed. Hence a positive reinforcement as the grades are awarded to them as a reinforcement for their good behaviors.

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