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Clinical Case Study on the Neurological Disorders in Children (Essay Sample)

In this assignment, you are given a clinical case scenario on neurological disorders in the pediatric population. based on the course objectives and content for what learned during the week, I apply the information from the clinical case scenario and the readings to answer the discussion questions that follow. An 11-month-old girl, well-known to your clinic since birth, arrives for a well-child visit. The parents report that their baby drags her legs rather than crawling on both hands and legs. They are concerned that this is abnormal. The father says that the child only recently began crawling and she does not pull to a stand. You noted at her 6-month visit that she was not rolling over or sitting; previous visits were unremarkable as was the mother’s pregnancy and vaginal delivery. While examining the baby, you note that when she is held by the axillae her legs are extended and crossed (i.e. the “scissoring” posture). What is the most likely diagnosis in this case? Why? What would be three differential diagnoses in this case? Why? What developmental milestones are expected at this age? What do you believe is your best course of action/treatment plan for this appointment? Why? source..
Discussion Name Institution Course Code and Title Instructor Date Clinical Case Study The most likely Diagnosis The most likely diagnosis in this case is spastic cerebral palsy. Looking at the case, the eleven-month-old infant has disordered movement and a delay in motor development. Spastic cerebral palsy is associated with abnormal motor development or delayed motor function (Patel et al., 2020). The infant described in the case has muscle stiffness in both legs, commonly occurring in infants with spastic cerebral palsy. Differential Diagnoses Hypotonia: It is characterized by a decreased muscle tone. According to de Santos Moreno et al. (2022), infants with hypotonia experience delayed motor development, such as sitting down or rolling over when placed on their stomachs. Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP): There are various problems seen in infants diagnosed with HSP. These include delay in development such as inability to sit down, crawl, and walk (Bunik, 2020). Peripheral Neuropathy (PN): PN is characterized by nerve damage, which may significantly affect motor function (Maaks et al., 2019). Disorders associated with nerve damage may affect the lower limbs, hence showing symptoms such as difficulty walking and crawling. Developmental Milestones The expected milestones for an infant such as the one described in the case include the ability to crawl on both hands and knees, standing with support such as along furniture, playing with toys, showcasing an attitude to explore objects, and being responsive to their name and environment (Maaks et al., 2019). Course of Action/Treatment Plan The best treatment plan should include physical and occupational therapy, which will be done to address motor delay and help in development. Secondly, it would be paramount to refer the infant to a pediatric neurologist who will perform a comprehensive neurological examination (Bunik, 2020). Finally, it would be important to support and counsel infant’s parents to help them understand the diagnosis and overcome...
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