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Current Issues in the Healthcare Management (Essay Sample)

THE TASK WAS ABOUT WRITING current issues relevant to the healthcare management profession WHICH are in the news or spotlight right now. then Describe your understanding of at least one issue. the essay was required to be in apa format. Th e sample represent the completed assignment in apa format and adhering to the 1 page requirement. source..
Current Issues in Healthcare Management Name Institution Course Professor Date Current Issues in Healthcare Management The field of healthcare management faces numerous urgent problems that create both difficulties and possibilities for transformation. Healthcare systems face emerging challenges, such as strengthening cybersecurity defenses, aligning virtual care models, staffing shortages, advancing health equity, and addressing the disparities in care access and quality. The discussion will focus on the acute shortage of healthcare workers. Among the many concerns in healthcare management today are the shortage of workers in different fields and the exhaustion and retention problems. The COVID-19 pandemic led to the collapse of the already strained healthcare workforce, making many leave their jobs because of overwork, insufficient staffing, lack of support, and emotional pressure. Hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities have acute and severe staff shortages. A recent report reveals that one in five healthcare workers had quit working during the pandemic. Nursing is affected the most, with many nurses retiring early and another group going to other positions as traveling nurses for higher pay. It has been very draining for the rest of the crew. The worker shortages have forced the managers in health care to come up with new ideas for recruitment using higher salaries, bonuses, and other incentiv...
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