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Developing A Summative Performance Assessment (Essay Sample)

This narrative essay explores a summative performance assessment for the course module disaster management in the course "The role of the BSN Nurse in Community Health" and tests knowledge and application of the knowledge. It is part of an assessment focusing on preparing a student to be an effectve nurse educator source..
YNM 1 Task 3 Developing A Summative Performance Assessment Student's Name Program Name or Degree University Course Instructor's Name Date YNM 1 Task 3 Developing A Summative Performance Assessment Summative performance assessments help tests knowledge acquisition and its application in nursing roles. Summative assessments are available at the end of a course and help the instructor assess their students to determine how they use their knowledge and skills. Instructors use performance to measure students' knowledge acquisition and use it as the basis for evaluating course content, teaching, and learning strategies for future improvement. The summative assessments should thus be transparent and authentic, meaning that they elicit students' knowledge (not group work) and test individuals' knowledge acquisition. In nursing education, understanding information helps in replication and practice; thus, performance assessments are significant. This narrative essay explores a summative performance assessment for the course module disaster management in the course "The role of the BSN Nurse in Community Health" and tests knowledge and application of the knowledge. B Elements of the Assessment B1. Prompts Alignment to Course Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes The first prompt discusses disaster management and its significance to nursing. The prompt discusses the very reason for the course modules' existence. This prompt aligns with the course objective; by the end of the course, the learner should be able to differentiate the stages of disaster management and their activities. It will reflect upon an understanding of al; the stages of disaster management and the significance of understanding disaster management to a nurse. According to Alqurashi (2019), learners tend to take content seriously when they believe it is significant to the profession and their practice in the community. The second prompt is: There are various stakeholders in disaster management. Justify the significance of stakeholders in disaster management. The prompt aligns with the course objective; by the end of the course, the learner should be able to justify the stakeholders in disaster management and their involvement significance. It requires the nurse to understand disaster management and the stakeholders required to ensure all activities are implemented professionally. This prompt builds on the nurses' understanding of the previous prompt. The prompt then requires the nurse to understand their roles and defend their presence in disaster management and the consequences of their absence. The prompt requires nurses to understand all the activities in all stages of disaster management to determine the relevant stakeholders. Understanding the stakeholders is significant because it will help nurses collaborate with them and plan disaster preparedness for the safety of their community. The third item is; explain the various collaboration and coordination strategies you can use in disaster management. Collaboration and coordination in disaster management remain essential to successful activities. Many institutions that deal with disaster management, such as doctors without borders and local governments, invest in enhancing collaboration and coordination, such as preparing reliable communication technologies and appointing a leadership team to lead disaster management efforts (Shah et al., 2019). Lack of coordination and collaboration creates gaps in delivering services vital to all stages of disaster management. This prompt aligns with the student learning outcome: At the end of the course, the learner will explain collaboration and coordination strategies for effective disaster management. According to Porto et al. (2023), nurses' knowledge of disaster preparedness must entail coordination and collaboration to ensure they all participate and play their roles. For example, knowledge of disasters can help them use autonomy to determine the number of beds required to help initiate processes such as discharge for stable patients to create room for patients with more urgent needs. The fourth prompt is: Develop a disaster preparedness plan for your community that can be used to manage a disaster such as an earthquake, tsunami, or flood. This prompt is significant as it reflects the nurses' understanding of the disaster preparedness module to develop a plan. It also requires the nurse to understand their community's needs and how the plan will meet them. Among the priorities in disaster management are services to prevent further loss of lives. According to Zuccaro et al. (2020), these priorities include water to put out fires, police, life-saving medications and equipment such as defibrillators, ambulances, helicopters for areas with poor access, and availability of professionals enough to respond to disasters without compromising other services delivery. Community resources such as homeless centers, churches, schools, community kitchens, and vital resources such as community centers also inform the activities in a disaster preparedness plan. Thus, this prompt aligns with the student learning objective: at the end of the course, the learner will sketch a disaster preparedness plan for their community disaster preparedness. The prompt will reflect upon a good understanding of all stages of disaster preparedness, their activities, and the nurses' roles in each stage. The fifth prompt, discuss your roles as a nurse in disaster management, is the backbone of the disaster management course. Unlike other specific prompts, this prompt discusses the overall significance of the module to the nurses. It thus resonates with all the course objectives and modules. By identifying and discussing these roles, the nurse shows an understanding of the stakeholders and their significance and activities in all stages and will enable the nurse to develop collaboration and coordination strategies with other professionals. In addition, the prompt aligns with the overall course objectives, which are to equip the BSN nurse with knowledge and skills to practice independently in communities in various capacities. B2. Assessment Results and Constructive Feedback Provision Unlike objective assessments, this assessment does not provide immediate feedback because the instructor has to go through the assessment. The feedback will be delayed at most 72 hours to allow the instructor to review the work and provide the required feedback to the students. The focus of the assessment is the development of a disaster preparedness plan, and students will be assessed based on skills in all the prompts as assessed using the rubric. The rubric has six criteria, each with 20 points, hence a cumulative total of 120 points. The assessment will be graded out of 120 points. The pass mark is scored between 80 points and above. Scores below 80 will be considered non-performance, and students must redo areas where they underperform. The instructor will provide feedback on why the students did not pass the criteria and how they will improve. B3. Theory and How it Informed the Assessment's Development Theories in nursing practice and nursing education are significant in informing practice. Theories provide a solid framework that helps ensure work is systematic and logically flows. It also helps provide a rationale for the assessment and the significance of all the components and prompts. The constructivist learning theory focuses on ensuring that a learner is active in learning. It holds that people actively construct their understanding of concepts and reality, majorly determined by the learners' experiences. This theory thus supports assessments that help determine the learner's knowledge acquisition and application at a personal level. The theory holds that knowledge is constructed in the mind and is influenced by prior knowledge, and modified knowledge will occur from new learning experiences. According to constructivists, an assessment aims to enhance learning and knowledge as they assess its acquisition (Farrell, 2020). It should not be responsible for making some students feel good about themselves and others to give up through negative feedback. Thus, constructive feedback is integral to the learner's knowledge acquisition and development. The theory also holds that feedback is critical to learning and should be limited to the module's requirements (Farrell, 2020). The theory thus helped develop an assessment rubric that determines performance within the module's requirements. It also helped develop prompts that do not wander beyond the module or assess the knowledge that is not necessary to the nurses understanding and participation in disaster preparedness. Constructivists believe in developing assessments that help assess personal learning, hence developing prompts that assess individual learning and avoidance of group assessment (Farrell, 2020). The theory helped develop each prompt to ensure its tests the nurses' subjective understanding of information and reflects upon their understanding and application of the concepts. It also holds that learning is an active process that requires learners to actively construct their understanding and application of concepts. Chuang (2021) notes that the significant shortfall of the theory is its overreliance on the student's evaluation of learning. However, this assessment deviates and focuses on the instructor's performance evaluation as the basis for results. Performance in this assessment will help assess the learners' understanding of concepts and their application. The constructivist's theory, in particular, informed the development of the prompt "develop a disaster preparedness plan for your community that can be used to manage a disaster such as an earthquake, tsunami, or a flood." This prompt requires learners to use their knowledge, creativity, and autonomy to translate their knowledge into practice. Principles of assessment w...
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