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Discussion on Role of the Advanced Nurse (Essay Sample)


Paper topic Role of the Advanced Nurse
Paper type Essay
Paper format APA
Paper subject area Nursing
Paper level of writing Master's
Paper language English (US)
Number of sources 3 sources
Number of pages Double spaced
2 page (-s) / approx 550 words
Order instructions
Assignment 1: Role of the Advanced Nurse paper
(20 points)
• Exploration of advanced nurse roles. 
• Apply elements of APA style
1. Articulate the essential components of the role of the advanced nurse
Unit 1:
7. Demonstrates scholarly communication
1. Write a scholarly paper describing:
a. The advanced nurse role you are seeking
b. The reasons you are seeking a Master’s degree in this specialty area
c. How this degree will impact your career
2. Three references are required for this paper All information from sources must
include a citation. Students should review the PPTs in Week 1 and the sixth edition of
the APA Manual. References used must be recent; within the last five years unless
classic sources. (References assigned as readings for this course may NOT be used):
a. One from a peer reviewed journal
b. One from a textbook
c. One from a professional website
3. The paper should be 2 pages in length, excluding title page and reference list. No
abstract is needed. 
4. Use APA format for the paper. Use three level 1 headings in this paper, one for
each of the points under #1 of the directions. Exception to APA: You may write this
paper in the first person. 
5. The paper should be typed in 12 point font, double-spaced, in Microsoft Word,
with a title page and reference page.


Role of the Advanced Nurse
Role of the Advanced Nurse
With a degree in nursing and experience in the traditional nursing knowledge and practice, I have chosen to pursue a master’s degree in advanced nursing practice. I need to acquire the expert knowledge associated with advanced nursing practice, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies (Barker & DeNisco, 2012). The role of advanced nursing practitioner is to offer a wide range of healthcare services. They collaboratively work with other healthcare professionals to offer complex nursing care to patients. An advanced nurse practitioner uses clinical skills and advanced assessment to manage and anticipate complex nursing situations, as well as managing and administering therapies for potential and actual health issues.
Role of advanced medical-surgical nurse
I am seeking for advanced nursing role in medical/surgical nursing which is an advanced practice nurse (APN) specialty area concerned with caring of grown-up patients in a broad variety of settings. Medical/surgical nursing is the foundation of the nursing profession. I chose this specialty because it is an exception field that is not limited to the body systems or disease process. Rather it is a holistic approach. As a medical/surgical advanced nurse, I should posses a wide range of skills. I should be knowledgeable in adult health and have skills in technical, organizational, assessment and prioritization. My role as a medical/surgical advanced nurse will be acting as a patient advocate in that, I would consider patient safety and also help them to know their best interests. Also, I should be able to work in different healthcare settings and willingly accept changes and new learning experiences (Barker & DeNisco, 2012). Another role of a medical/surgical advanced nurse is to make a change in patients’ lives by respecting them as well as their decisions. I should help patients go back to normal functioning, comfort them and their families and also provide care. As medical-surgical APN, I would serve as a foundation for adult care.
Why I am seeking a master’s degree in this specialty area
The reason I am seeking a master’s degree in medical-surgical APN is because I need to be able to work in different healthcare settings such as home care units, long-term care institutions, hospital setting and acute care facilities (Ruppert, 2012). I am called to attend to all patients and my access to them will be a professional fulfillment. Also, the field of nursing is evolving every day, new diseases are emerging and many issues in nursing face with a lot of dilemmas. When I pursue this specialty area, I will be equipped with educator and research skills that will help me in addressing challenging nursing issues as well as deal with emerging illnesses and diseases. In addition, medical/surgical advanced practice nurses are most sought by many employers. If I pursue this specialty, I will have a chance to find employment in almost all hospitals and, therefore, fulfill my calling as a nurse.
How this degree will impact my career

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