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Ethics of Isolation (Essay Sample)

Ethics of Isolation The following three topics are examples of historical isolation techniques that can occur when the biological basis for disease is unknown. Choose one of the topics to discuss: 1. evaluation of the measure, 2. effectiveness of the measure, and 3. whether this measure should or could be used again today. 4. Discuss ethical principles that should guide public health decisions including human rights issues. Introductory resources are given but the student should conduct further research on the topic. 1. Tuberculosis Sanatoriums in the U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation. (2015). Tuberculosis Sanitariums: Reminders of the White Plague. Hurt, R. (2004). Tuberculosis sanatorium regimen in the 1940s: a patient's personal diary. J R Soc Med, 97:350-353. 2. Mary Mallon "Typhoid Mary" Marineli, F., Tsoucalas, G., Karamanou, M., & Androutsos, G. (2013). Mary Mallon (1869-1938) and the history of typhoid fever. Annals of Gastroenterology, 26, 132-134. 3. Leprosy control Beldarraìn-Chaple, E. (2017). Historical Overview of Leprosy Control in Cuba. MEDICC Rev, 19(1):23-30. Buckingham, J. (2011). The inclusivity of exclusion: isolation and community among leprosy-affected people in the South Pacific. Health History, 13(2):65-83. 2022-07-31 21:10:17 source..
Ethics of Isolation Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor's Name Date Tuberculosis Sanatoriums in the United States. Evaluation of the Measure In the US, the first sanatorium was established in 1875 as a medical facility for treating long-illnesses, especially Tuberculosis (National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2022). Rest was this measure's basis for treating tuberculosis, where the patients spent several hours lying flat on the solariums through prescribed routines of sunlight, bed baths, and fresh air. Besides, tuberculosis sanatoriums offered patients socialization and entertainment (Anderson et al., 2017) Effectiveness of Tuberculosis Sanatoriums in the US. Rest therapy offered in the Sanatoriums was complemented with pulmonary collapse measures intended to relax the infected parts of the lungs. Thus, these measures could contribute to the closure of cavities in the lungs. Besides, Anderson et al. (2017) posited that long ocean voyages, gentle exercises, and exposure to salt air and sea breezes could improve the patient's health. Could this Measure be Used Again Today? With the development of technology and tuberculosis drugs, sanatoriums are no longer necessary. Besides, Anderson et al. (2017) asserted that nearly half of patients died of tuberculosis, whether treated at home or in a sanatorium. On the other hand, Kaur (2022) posited that treating a TB patient at home does not pose additional risks to close household contacts. In addition, randomized controlled trials can be applied in any setting. Therefore, tuberculosis sanatoriums might not be used today because the measure might not offer promising results for TB treatment. Ethical Principles Guiding Public Health Decisions and Human Rights Issues The right to health is among the globally accepted human rights standards as envisaged by the World Health Organization. Besides, Favotto and Kollman (2021) suggests that beneficence in relieving individuals from suffering, reciprocity, respect for persons, utility and participation indicates a clear set of legal obligations to guarantee suitable conditions for persons to enjoy healthcare services without discrimination. References Anderson, D., Charles, K., Las Heras Olivares, C., & Rees,...
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